This is my journey …

Today has been one of those days that feels like it was full of moments where I was on the outside looking in. I caught myself this afternoon thinking along these lines… I have meet and been aware of so many people from different walks of life today, celebrating mass, had cuppa with them, shared in lunch with others, had conversation, smiled and simply been in their presence. 

That cliche quote - "Life's a journey" I am starting to slowly see its meaning with a little more clarity. 

As I slowly - I mean slowly ;o) - grow older, I have gained little by little a more complete map of what my life will look like when finished, or maybe a better image is a few more threads on my tapestry … Not that the finish line is anything to aim for, after all life is not about the destination its about the journey !!! My excitement about meeting Christ in the Kingdom has moved to excitement about meeting Christ in the next person I encounter in this Kingdom. 
I can see the side roads begin to link with longer highways revealing more and more of the journey with interesting surprises along the way. This life map consists of twists and turns, hills and valleys, rough roads and smooth; all revealed one moment at a time. As the map grows larger, I am able to zoom out and see patterns emerging and observe the complex plans the Master mapmaker has wisely crafted. 

Today I realized that we are all called to travel on the same road and in the same direction, so we should stay together, both outwardly and inwardly. We have one Master, one faith, one baptism, one God who works through all and is present in all. 
Everything we are and think, do is permeated with oneness. But that doesn't mean we should all look and speak or act the same… after all out of the generosity of Christ, each of us is given his own gift. 

We are all at different stages of the journey, there is so much beauty in this. We can not only teach each other yet learn from each other too. I like to think that God handed out gifts to us all, not only in the individual talents, yet also he gifted us with apostles, prophets, evangelist, teachers; all to teach/train Christ followers to work within the church (meaning people), within Christ's body, until we are all moving rhythmically and easily with each other. Efficiently and gracefully in response to the Lord, to be fully alive like Christ has taught us. 

As I walk with Him daily along these roads, He acts as my guide. Whether I turn to the right or to the left, in my ears I hear a voice behind me saying "This is the right way, you should go this way" (Isaiah 30:21) His word is a light for my path with only a few feet illuminated at a time. Which I am thankful for, as I don't want to see the big picture nor be given the answers on a plate. Whatever road I travel, I know my calling is to follow and obey Him every day. This is made possible when I learn to fully trust in His goodness, knowing that He has my ultimate been in mind and always acting out of the greatest love that I can not humanly comprehend. The destination and the journey are the same - being with Him every step along the way.

-This is my journey - 

Time to stop looking from the outside and join - the dance moves we have been given are called spiritual gifts, the moment we put our trust in Christ is the moment the Holy Spirit empowers us with ability to make us into disciples!  Oh a cold winter evening this warms my heart and mind, oh how we are blessed with his gifts. Tomorrow when I wake up a gentle reminder of all this will be …. 

- This is my journey - 


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