The hope and power of Grace
At home we have a prayer space that has a bible sitting open. For nearly the whole time I have been here it has been opened on Romans. I find myself looking to see if the page has been turned, chapter changed or it's still on the same page.
As I touch the thin pages I turn over the page wondering if I should change it, if anyone else keeps looking to see if the page changes.
I saw the verse -
"There is no difference, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus" (Romans 3:22-24)
Reading this verse the tune of "Amazing Grace" comes to mind.... I remembered reading a C. S. Lewis quote when someone asked what makes Christianity different from other religions he replied "Oh, that's easy. Its grace"
I learnt a few years ago that my parents had the song Amazing Grace played at their wedding. I was a little puzzled, to have a song so strong and full of meaning played at a non religious wedding especially as grace is difficult for the unbeliever to understand primarily because of the demonstrative change it can make in a believers life.
Just look at the author of the song John Newton!
Newton was a commander of an English slave ship in 1700's and brought thousands of slaves across the waters during his lifetime; I think they were mainly African bring to Britain. He showed no compassion, chained them below deck packing in as many as he could. If a slave became ill during the voyage he would throw them over board to prevent infection from spreading. I would say its only normal to express great sorrow for Newton and also for the people who their freedom came at a great cost.
One night all this changed as Newton's ship almost sunk in the rocky waters. He gave his life to Christ on that night and spent the rest of his days scratching his head in disbelief over the change. There is a quote from him when he was 82 years of age "My memory is nearly gone, but I remember two things, that I am a great sinner, and that Christ is a great savior."
I guess Newton song is a gentle reminder of hope and the power of Grace. Grace is the unmerited favor of God, which our faith teaches us that grace can only come from God. Recently sister said to me that the Lord blesses us with gifts and talents yet its through Grace that we are able to bring them into fruit.
So here is a piece to thank the Lord for the grace to let my fingers walk over the keys to produce a piece of music that Newton gifted us.
Amazing Grace! How sweet the sound .... I once was lost, but now am found; was blind, but now I see. .... 'Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far, And grace will lead me home....
The beauty of the song and meaning still leaves me complex why my mother would use as a wedding song, however I hope that it was played beautifully to remind her of Lords beauty, love and Grace that he pours onto them both...
Okay Im deeply sad I can not upload the piano piece, I will have to forward by email… cry cry I need to figure this blog site out, as really wanted to put in piece of music. sorry all…. I have found the same piece composed by same guy so have put below…
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