Let the nation hear our choir!

On Saturday I decided not to go to tutoring and go with the sisters to a rally. My first rally!!! Don't worry it was a peaceful one, they are not leading me astray ;o) hehe

The journey started out smoothly with the sisters driving to the station, all wrapped up ready for our presences to be joint with others along with our voices to be heard…. then like any journey we go on the smoothness was short as we discovered the trains were not running. Onto plan B!! In my opinion this is when the adventure starts! I have to admit that I love - oh how I really do love our adventures! Its like your lost but are so present, capable of bring in uncertainty and mystery. Like you are seated rare facing travelling opposed to forward facing, waiting for moments of arrival, moments of realization, discovery.. you are always greeted by what you don't know, nor seen before.  There is an awareness of an inner beauty and a feeling of been so rich - when we are on adventures, the sisters change their language to one somewhat serious, embracing the moment with a joyful tone too - its hard to describe yet they always use clues to navigate us, presented in signs, maps, surroundings and my favorite memories/stories. We always get there!! I think most importantly on our adventures I learn the art of letting go and the reminder of when it appears the plan is gone you can be so greatly rich in been lost - or as I say been on an adventure!! 

Inside the building there is an escalator that the MP go up and down, so was unavoidable not to see or hear us as they arrived back from lunch to return to their conference. 

On arrival there was a big group of people gathered signs everywhere, a person telling stories and about the treatment of the seekers of asylum. It made my stomach turn, how can people not respond, how can they not hear!!
It is easy to think that going to a rally is not doing much, or visitings a detention centre, helping raising awareness… however I have been so blessed to learn that this is no way to look at life! No way to even think!!

All the people gathering together made me realize that there is a difference between just putting words together or saying something important!! I think at times we all do just put a few words together and forget the impact they can have, the way they can be interpreted or even effect others. Leading me to wonder if politicians just put words together to meet a surface demand yet they have very little weight and also have very little importance to them as individuals. 

When at the Rally it felt like there was printed information available, all grand having it at the gathering however the message has already touch all those hearts of the people present. Its the wider community that need it. In todays information age there is a lot of material published in different forms, most of it is forgotten in hours, days or weeks. It frustrates me at times feels like our words just drown in the general cacophony of sounds!

I take heart to know that its the content in the words used that strike a cord in peoples hearts, tells them about hope, truth and justice. Not just for issues within society yet for sharing our faith too. Look at Paul, sometimes he spoke with fear and trembling not with powerful words but the message got through and even more than got through it bore fruit!!! Just think due to the simple words by a fearful man lives were changed, societies made new and old habits broken. 
What a powerful message this is in itself… 

Its the content that counts! So let the nations hear, let the people listen! As I start to find myself a little more, I am becoming highly aware of the weight my voice holds. Its a scary thing at times; I am caught off guard at by the way it sounds,  people stop to listen I can see my words have meaning, insight, weight - which is a wonderful feeling and discovery. 
I continue to pray the Holy Spirit gives me the right words to ensure all this done for change in a positive way - Lords way. 

Today I had a similar experience - my choir mentor has gone away for a few weeks, so Im on my own. There is an alto singer, soprano singer and a few ladies that just sing…. I like to make sure the key is singable for all the parish that are present!! When I think about it in a choir it may seem that a single voice isn't very important, yet it is what makes the choir! All the single voices coming together hopefully in tune to make a mighty sound. Together they make the church full with a beautiful sound of prayer, together they get a message across to the audience. Its not about solos, or who has more ability, its about the harmony of voices, united in words, building up from all the many voices to have power! 

That is how we can let the nations hear our voice - we come together with our individual voices, all the different testimonies, all the God actions are seen and heard we come together to speak as one powerful choir. 


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