The journey begins… Africa is calling …

Bags packed - check,
Ticket - check
Passport - check
Adventure mode - check.
Heading to the airport it daunted on me the days of been a seasonal traveler were long gone, and this trip was so different. I had prepared the Sisters with whats app, ensuring we could communicate at a moment notice, making distance seem closer than ever before.
Bags packed and sense of adventure in the air ready to be embraced.

A sense of beginning to understand that it's not this world around me that's changing, but rather my own perceptions of the world! Having loved ones surround me before I leave, ensuring that I leave with a heart full of joy, knowledge of what awaits my return and the people awaiting my arrival to embrace, only lifts my heart in praise to the Lord. What love surrounds me.
Final wishes and short prayers said as I embrace Sister for the last time before disappearing up the escalator into the giant world of moving people, also known as traveling!

There were animal skins on the walls, outside a few shops, calling to mind the stereotypical image of Africa, hoping that this trip would not end up been advocate for animals! After all I dearly hate the treatment of the horses on main street in Melbourne and I have not put pen to paper to express this, therefore in a land so rich with animals how would this be taken or protest expressed….
Mind drifting until finally the safari colored bus approached, boarding it taking us to the plane which was located on the other side of the departure building out on the tar mat. It was a small plane, that I was use to traveling in New Zealand between islands, which brought a little comfort compare to modern day bus planes! It was here where I got to witness my first African Sun Rise. What a sight!! The rays cut through the air, calling to mind a poem line - under the sun we are all the same - the soft amber glow of the sunrise pour through my fingers as I held my hand up to the sky protecting my eyes as I guided my feet to the aircraft. The sun had barely risen and the airport had a soft hum with a subdue quiet about it. Only the workers walked through the fresh crisp air with mug in hand and bag in other to start a new day, fuel tanks sat awaiting planes arrival as too did cargo personnel. Everyone of them were too busy to savor the persimmon sky or the rays that radiated from the golden orb as pretty as any fresco or photograph can ever portray. I was left wanting to stare as the sun moved, leaving me in prayer, leaving a smile from ear to ear at the mere magical beauty the Lord has given us the world, and me the opportunity to witness on this fine morning.
As the sun moved higher it left clarity to see below, as I crossed the boarder into Botswana, I could see the landscape change. Rolling hills of desert, an odd form of greenery on top of a hill now and again, yet on large no running rivers, no forest, no settlements.
The descent started and I arrived at Gaborone airport. Looking out the window I saw that everything was divided into squares - note to self - easy grid system if I explored and got lost. Gaborone already starting to look promising.
There were vast land not used, along with each building having a high fence around it. In some open spaces there was rumble leaving me wonder what happened, it was like a settlement was established then crumbled. I looked down eager to spot a lion or zebra - hey Im in AFRICA - then reality hit that maybe media images that have once been portray is not an articulate view to hold!! No lion or zebras in the backyards!
Easing my way through customs, filling in a very short carbon like paper to say who I was and where going, I was directed to the opening of the outer world and straight into a life size model of an elephant made of ivory tusk.!! Impressed - I don't think so, after all how many tusk does one elephant have?? See, too many elephants had to die to make this one sculpture. I just dearly hope they died of natural cause…
Walking around this out into the air, here I am, arrived safely -
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