NOVENA - Sisters in England


Pray for the Sisters in England where the Congregation had its beginnings

“Mary, the Mother who cared for Jesus, 
now cares with maternal affection 
and pain for this wounded world.” 
Laudato Si
Word of God:
 “Simeon blessed them and said to Mary his mother “You see this child : he is destined for the fall and for the rising of many in Israel, destined to be a sign that is rejected-and a sword will pierce your own soul too-so that the secret thoughts of many may be laid bare.” 
Lk 2:35

Let us pray through Mary’s intercession for the needs of our world especially for women:

God of life and love, you gave us the example of Mary to guide us on our journey through life. Help us to be aware of the needs of our world and work for the common good wherever we find ourselves.

Today too, we pray for our Sisters in England where our Congregation came to birth and where Elizabeth Prout, shaped by the Passionist charism, shared hope with so many who were poor and on the margins. We give thanks for her daring and courage and ask for her spirit to be ours as we continue to be mindful of all who are cast aside in our world today. We pray that we can continue to embrace the new.


O God, source of all life, your servant 
Elizabeth Prout,
responded to your call by bringing together
a new family to welcome the poor and the abandoned,
and to keep alive the memory of your
love for all your children,
shown to us in the Passion of Jesus, your Son.
Give us the courage to follow her example
of living faith, and untiring love.
Through her intercession grant us
the favour for which we pray.


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