Together we load the car with food, water and sense of wonder. Off we travelled on the main roads that were built by the diamond companies. As we traveled along the vast stretch of open land framing the smooth road with what seemed like painted in traffic lights that would not often be in working form. We travelled until we reached no where, taking a slight turn off the main road onto a 'sand' track leading into the deserted desert. Adventure lead us navigating between "potholes" and goats, arriving in the middle of the desert where children sat 'sun' bathing on a few large rocks.
Within the home though, was a beautiful lady who had a gentle soul of love that beamed from her. We refer to her as Mmaonneile, her tender voice smoothed even the weary soul. I got the sense that she was the center strong force that empowers and brights all that are out in Mmam'hiko.
Earlier before the journey, food was prepared to share with them. There was about twenty young children, toddlers mainly, all at different health levels.
The people out there came together to move a table, plates for the children with also their cups. Taking all this to a shelter next to the rocks, that was wooden piles with a shade cloth on to offer protection from the beaming sun rays. We dish up the food, gave them a refreshing cordial drink.
After this we gave them a small bag of chips - potato chips - this is when my heart melted at the sight before me; a small child about one at a guess, walked up to the other children who were sitting under the shade and they gave her a chip from their packet. Then when the little one finished another gave her a chip, this time it fall on the ground, the other child picked it up and gave her a fresh one, plus placed another into her other hand.
What amazing love and pureness, even when it was very evident the children are hunger, they live one day at a time, deal with that day without looking into the future to be concern about where the next meal comes from; still they give their food to ensure the youngest has some. How so rich these children are, even though they most likely think or possibly been told the opposite. Yet they have something so beautiful, pure that no money nor gold could ever give or create.
There is so much to say about this experience, moments of joy, moments of heart felt prayer these women and children are given strength and courage. There is no place for anyone to go out with judgement or question why, rather just simply meet them where they are, help them in the moment.
There is no water, electricity and access to transport is far and hard to come by. The women look after the children while the others more to the city to work. Sadly there is signs of effect of long term malnutrition, with a sense that if time was invested these innocent beautiful lives could blossom into the flower their creator design them to be. Been in the desert there is not enough population for the government to warrant reaching out to put in water resources, electricity and so forth. Equality, equal rights and fairness were a few emotions that left an unease sense within my bones.
Arriving back to the city, I wondered in my somewhat limited European way of thinking, just how many of those who live in Gaborone are aware that in their neighborhood, down the road are individuals that are struggling just to survive another day. The Lord heard, giving me sight through the stories Pulane and Botshelo shared, about how some of them have come from there, from the desert, offer what they can to different rural communities yet are unable to physically return. I am left with a slight guilt, as been in the wider community just how much little knowledge and awareness I have for these people. I am human after all, just like them, my brothers and sisters in Christ, who carry a cross so heavy yet do it was grace and whole heartedness. What images of Christ I got to witness, beauty and love that shined, even though no words were exchanged!
The worlds resource balance needs to be brought to peoples attention once again, education is the key to change, its the key to developing awareness of the riches we all hold and how simple acts can and will make a hugh difference.
The worlds resource balance needs to be brought to peoples attention once again, education is the key to change, its the key to developing awareness of the riches we all hold and how simple acts can and will make a hugh difference.
This, I take to prayer, this I ofter to the Lord from the depth of my heart, asking for guidance in the way I, we, miles away can support them by meeting them where they are at, how they need help….
(Go below as I put another posting, to take you to the page, or go here -
Please check out this video Pulane made about Mmam'hiko, this has a lot more information and insight into it. There is also an article by Sr Roseleen on the Passionist website that I will link too for you to read more about this project.
Currently the status for the project, is awaiting for land approval then its all go forward ;o) Please keep them in your prayers, keep the people of Botswana, the project the Sr are forming and particularly Sr Botshelo, Sr Pulane and Sr Angela who use their hands to do the Lords work, with a heart full of love and compassion and embracing all as Christ himself.
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