Week Recap
Oh my where is time going… I said to Sister the other day that I have not had a moment to sit and type on my blog… its bad!!
So I should do a bit of a crash update from the past week, so many highlights….
After Saturday night mass Sister and I went into the city to experience White Night. I knew I wanted to go for a week before the event, wanting to go sign up to help at the church, as they were opening their doors for the first time inviting people, youth, uniting together with all as Pope calls us to, walking off the streets into the church to light a candle say a prayer. I like to believe those not religious invited in too, to light a candle and make a wish.

Within I sigh thinking, if only you actually knew how many places I have adventured on my own, what strange odd places I've been - do you realize my guardian angel works triple time at night!?!
Yet I didn't, bite the tongue and accept that I would not be going unless Sister wishes to come.
AND she did ;p
We had a wonderful adventurers evening… started at the church where there was live music, time for prayer, then light a candle before the blessed sacrament and giving thanks to the wondrous Lord. We departed into the night sky, feeling the church walls surround breaking down flowing the intimacy of Christ love onto all as we walked into the millions along the streets, seeing light reflecting off buildings, live street music and more lights. Next year if Im able to go I think I will do more research to where the interactive places and go see more, need a direct action plan otherwise the share volume of crowds just zap your energy as its hard to move or gain sense of where to go next with so many people around moving like a flowing river!! No time to be a rock in that river of people ;o) hehe.
This week was my first class on the Vatican II. I have been looking forward to attending to gain more understanding of the very document that has shaped so much of the current 'church' I know. To me its history, however there is a very real sense that its more than this, many of you would have lived through the pre-vatican ways as too the post-vatican ways; making up terms here!!
I was not prepared for the heavy reading load that was given, then again would I ever complain of having to read !!
The first two lectures are on Vatican history. The reading given was John O'Malley book "what happened at Vatican II". This is to build up the foundation before diving into the documents. Reading through both the documents and the history leaves this sense of excitement, a sense that the fullness of the council has not come to life. Pope John Paul XXIII was ahead of his time in many aspects. Especially given the fact that he called this council at the hight of people joining reglious communities. Not only called at a hight of when on the surface the church seemed to be moving without issues, rather seeing beneath this, calling to not pick up on Vatican I which was never really called to a close; rather started a new council.
Im taken by the emphasis that Vatican II was an interior journey as much as an outward movement. Its like a new way of speaking was formed in an inclusive way having very profound implications.
It gives this most rich tasting invitation to leave all pettiness, 'tradition' in some aspects and strive for a vision with a generous spirit. What an invitation.

But wait…. there is more, this is only week one!!!! I have a lot more exploring and discovering to do. Currently chewing through the material building layer upon layer of gaining a sense what it would had been like.
On Good Friday the youth lead the Stations of the Cross which they normal do an reenactment of them. This week I found myself having to write, or rather just collate a few scripts to make one, for the stations of the cross.
I found myself questioning what this deep prayerful mediation means to me, how I embrace it every lent from the time I learnt when joining the church. On my travels, when entering a church its one of the things my eyes are drawn to, revealing how that community depicts the stations, hold value and placement of importance, through placement within the church.
Writing the words, putting the reflections into black and white - not my words - left me with this sense of modern vs taught language. The script was recently rewritten by a young girl, in her words and when I spoke to her, I could see the pull between using traditional words she had been taught and making it connect to herself.
For me speaking of a love God grows in our hearts, of the flame of faith growing into a fire that illuminates the darkness, carries you through the battlefield of flighting light and dark, leaves the word choose for the stations to be very overwhelming.
Last Friday evening I went to the stations of the cross which focus on the hands of Christ. It was a wonderful moving prayerful mediation that I treasured deeply. Sensing at times that pain that tears your heart at the very fact Jesus was human and the weight of pain he went through for I, for you, oh that tears the heart. Its so deep, so touching and a very intimate prayer. This week Sister is saying them on Friday with the theme of Mary. I am very much looking forward to having the quite intimate prayer allowing heart to heart time in the coming week.
House of Welcome

In the moment I struggled to think of a song then remembered the chords for 'Over the rainbow', I have to admit that it was not the best song to teach yet he enjoyed.

Sometimes I wonder what it actually really is like been homeless. How at times it must be frustrating, how you might feel like 'the system' has let you down or the pain, or gap that leads to take up an addictions. Im sure its through series of events results in an individual homeless and often at times alone. I just dearly hope that whatever changed their hopes and dreams, they find the strength to create new ones.
I will write another blog post on this!!
Welsh Male Choir
Sr and I were invited by one of the companions, who happens to be a Welsh singer, to come to an evening of singing. Gratefully accepted the invitation with a sense of excitement for us both. Not only to see our friend perform rather to embrace the atmosphere of music lovers who were eager for more beautiful singing; which was demonstrated after the first song 'What would you do without music' with applause filling the air from the captivated audience.
Rhys Meirion was the guest tenor, who is one of The Three Welsh Tenors. His voice was powerful and a delight to the ears.
We had near front row seats, embracing the atmosphere and surrounded by people who knew of others performing. When their friends, loved ones were on stage great joy caught around everyone, as we all embraced in the wonderful performance.
It was a wonderful evening left a feeling of been spoilt and very grateful at the chance to join in the celebrations of the men using their talent to give to all.
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