Believing is Seeing
Every morning I awake with a lack of sight, this physical factor often leaves me left in two states, one been overflowing with gratitude for the pure gift of sight, that physical gift through technology, the Lord himself bring me to those who have embraced all of me, loved me and taken the broken wing and healed. Then on the other side of this it makes me realize that I never know just how blind I am until I put in my contact lens….
One of the scariest questions I think we all ask ourselves at some point, is
Are we are seeing Jesus properly?
What implications does this have on our lives? What if Jesus isn't who we think He is, or we have labelled Him as.
I believe he is always catching us off guard, creatively challenging us and above this pursuing and loving deeply.
Its a journey, never under estimate the power in this, to see Jesus more vibrant, alive and for who He truly is more and more each day as we continue to seek by opening our eyes more every day.
While watching the bread along every stage of the process, the words ring out
".. give us this day our daily bread…."
Jesus invites us to pray for daily bread, not store up enough bread to last the rest of our lives.
There is something about fresh bread, the smell, it doesn't matter how often I receive it, always leaves me in a state of awe, appreciation, joyous child like delight. I think Jesus knew this, asking daily for our bread means we depend on Him for our provision! In the same way when we are facing a big unknown future, we can ask Him to show us the next step to take. There is no need to know what every day of the rest of our lives looks like rather just the next step always gives an almighty relief!

Its all about seeing Jesus …. Sometimes when I think about believing without seeing, unlike Thomas, it makes me want to dance in the rain, jump in puddles, be that little girl who waved ribbons in the air watching them cut through the air with grace and giving that sense of mystery, of beauty. We serve an invisible God - at least in form! None have seen the shape of Him, yet this is what makes Christianity so amazing, so powerful, so encompassing of all creation. Peter says we serve a God we cannot see:
"Whom having not seen you love. Through now you do not see Him, yet believing, you rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory" (1Peter 1:8)
Jesus was a man of flesh and blood, people could see and touch him, yet seeing they still didn't believe. This is part of the picture, seeing Jesus after all everywhere he went He declared the Father - invisible God!
Jesus was the image of the invisible God, people became acquainted with God by observing Jesus!
No one has seen God at any time, but we can declare Him "if we love one another, God abides in us, and His love has perfected in us" (1John4:12)
Love is the best way to declare, show and witness our invisible God. Faith in the Lord we cannot see must be declared by actions of love!
In todays society, I would have thought it be easier to walk around talking in prayer, singing in praise and admiring creations. After all people walk around with wireless devices, cellphones and headphones, talking into mid air at times appearing if they are talking to themselves. It is very easy to come across people photographing at the most random and odd places. Yet this is normal! This is part of everyday encounter nothing is thought anything of it. Yet there is something thought about believing in the unseen, wanting prove, been in private to rejoice or acknowledge the mystery that is before us all.
For me, when I purpose my heart to lean on Him, the Lord proves Himself trustworthy time and time again, why do I need prove, why do I need to test Him? I don't! He has been so faithful to answer all my prayers and beyond; I'm not foolish there have been challenges and rosy or perfect words far from description, plus I have made my share of wrong turns along the way… But those wrong turns were my wrong choices, times when I lean on my own understanding rather than His. The small yet almighty powerful prayer, Lord show me the next step to take, give me my daily bread, brings about delight beyond measure! Leaving me to dance in the puddles and feel like Im the shimmering ribbon gracing the skies, gleefully cutting through the air leaving others to witness mystery first hand!!
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