Lent around the corner - Prune n Water awaits!

This morning I took a moment to pause, this week has been a practical week planning for the coming weeks ahead of me, placing in a little structure. I feel like my seasons are all interwoven coming out of a beautiful Advent season, entering into a festive commitment celebration then into an intimate retreat. Now Lent, WoW talk about saturate the soul! 

This year for my lent journey Im going to take up the invitation to journey beside St Paul of the Cross. Fth. Kevin gave me a book last year, written by Rev. Victor Hoagland, C.P, which is going to be my foundation. Im rather excited about the journey ahead as I do not know much about St Paul of the Cross apart from what I learnt on the Institute when in New Zealand. 

Lent is a gift. A grace. An opportunity. Lent calls us to Him. 

This year I want my religion, my faith not to be theory rather a love affair. As lent is a chance for Love Dare like no other. Its a chance to let the Lord prune and then water us with His grace. Its a chance to rest in Him, to stop trying to stubble under our own strength and let His love be sufficient, actually more than enough. Lent is a time to surrender to the love of the Lord. 

A girl (or women as my age would depicts) can not have a love affair with a stranger, nor can have a love affair with someone I know only through the teaching of other people. In order for me to be in that deep love with the Lord, I have to remain in Him…. 

What a sense of delight awaits, the heart melts at the barriers dissolving and light shinning in. This lent is going to be the opening of the flood gates, the love affair that puts all love affair to shame. (oh my weeping for my Thomas ;o) hehe)  The pruning of all gentle roses to make way for the blossoms in spring. 

What joy, what challenge awaits, what love leaving me to sing 
"Create in me a clean heart, 
O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me" (Psalm 51:10) 

To know the Lord as a person - to have a relationship - I must know Scripture! And not just a little, not at a head level, not just from reading the missal or reciting creeds; nor from Sundays masses. But really, really know it. Know it so well that I rest in it, that it is the background music in my life with every minute sounds float out; knowing it so well that it abides in me and I in it. I want to breathe the Word of God to the point where I don't know where I stop and He begins. 

If you remain in me and my words remain in you….. 

Have you ever met someone like that? Someone truly united, truly remaining in God? It's an amazing thing to behold. She walks in grace. She blesses with her smile, with her gestures, with her words. She lives the life for which she is created because she is the genuine image of God He intended her to be. 


This Lent is about scripture, love, opening the heart to prune and water. Plus its a journey with St Paul of the Cross and Elizabeth Prout watching over me. This Lent is deeping my intimacy with the Lord, Jesus Christ. 

What a lent its going to be!


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