Tomorrow is Saturday…
Looking down at the shadows of light dancing across my guitar I am wrapped up in the moment.
Tomorrow is Saturday….
This moment lets my mind race with delight at memories, memories that enrich my heart in moments of recalling apart of me, moments of connecting with my inner self, with the Lord.
Saturday mornings have always been full of adventure for me. Every single Saturday! Even when I was working like a crazy girl, Saturdays I let the heart speak to expanding my horizons to ensure that I was having that endless discovery that gifts a taste of hungry wanting to embrace more, stay longer, be more.

What is the secret behind this delight I always got on Saturday? Maybe its the language of been at one with creation, or rather just through the domain of delight in perspective!
If the heights of our joy are measure by the depths of our gratitude, a spiritual perspective of smallness open up a whole new world offering a vital way of seeing.

The joy of small makes life large!
Like all of us, especially in childhood, have experienced this, that vantage point that gives a sense of smallness before grandeur! Those who have been to the Grand Canyon would know perfectly what Im referring to, peering into the carved earth, the vastness of the hewn and many-hued chasm. Standing at the top of a water tower peering down into the city we live, seeing people appear like ants racing about, same as flying over the township leaving on an adventure; or even through a child eyes of a stair case appearing like a gorge, or the ceiling seems to be in the heavens, or the bed a floating barge.
Reminds me a little of Alice and Wonderland…
Its a magical majestical realms, kind of crazy happy joy overflowing your soul, image of Himself without dilation. How have I lost this as I grow older!! To live in the wide-eyed wonder of a world that unwraps itself grandiose and larger than life so otherworldly!
Those summer days of standing on the hight of the hill, nothing for miles, my horse beside me. Sometimes pen and paper not far, water for both and stillness. Pure stillness to take in the valley, the beauty that no words will ever be able to describe. Even thinking about it brings this warmth into my heart making me bend in gratitude giving thanks for the many blessings and joy that even the memory rekindles.
Irony! I can see to all this, is how so often I desperately want to break free from the confines of a small life; while often I stand in front of the immensity that often heightens my smallness. This only burgeons wonder. Is it because within the memories, or the moments frame lies the likeness of infinite God? In all things large and spectacular, can gain a glimpse of home, heaven on earth and that call to our own deeper self. Do I writhe to peel out of my smallness and into the big life because that fits my inborn God-image?
Awe ignites joy as it makes me once again bend my knees, allowing the heart to float holding onto the sense, that discovery, that image! I will forever remember arising in darkness, meeting the most complex design, illustration of the Creators beauty that took me every Saturday morning to chase the horizon with the deepest happiness in a posture of grateful worship. All around, all within God likeness taking smallness away leaving only His magnificence. Today I learn that all the wonder and worship can only grow out of smallness.
Tomorrow is Saturday.
May new smallness adventures begin, Black Knight will be racing through the valley with me in spirit on his back. Here I learn to live in Awe, let the world expand and heighten and deepen and surges with the glory of God as I feel the body, mind descend and the soul ascend filing with joy that breaths between.
This, this is the language I embrace, the smallness that cultivates a surprising wonder, grows gratitude from the seed already planted and yields joy.
May your Saturday be full of adventure too, full of smallness that leads directly to Him. Be a child again, hold their truth of living with no expectations; after all expectations harm relationships especially with God and more so is like a silent killer heaping a burden on shoulders that is far from required. Without expectations what can topple the surprising wonder of the moment??
Joyous Saturday to you All.
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