Please acknowledge your founder!!

Last night was the annual St. Vincent de Paul mass at our parish. I was looking forward to see how the evening unfolded, especially as Blessed Frederic Ozanam holds a dear place in my heart.
The Mass started with the hymn "Here I Am, Lord" filling me with a small sense of joy as if nothing else unfolds this evening, at least hopefully these words would speak to the people gathered together "I will go Lord, if You lead me, I will hold Your people in my heart" What a powerful message this is.
In Fathers homily he gently reminded each of us that we are not called to be judgmental rather called to bring the good news. Jesus only did three years of ministry - three years - we all know this is not a long time, therefore its easy at times to see his sense of urgency which one could mistake for rushing about. Yet the urgency unfolded into action not only in actions, in words and teachings. Been apart of the society is directly connected to been called in love to act with compassion and dignity to help those in need - all forms of the word. I pray that these words were heard, actually heard and become actions.
Frederic Ozanam once said "Charity may heal the wounds but it does not stop the blows."
This is as relevant today as it was in his day.
I got a deep sense of sadness as the evening continued that Bl. Frederic name was only mention once, it gave me a feeling that the most important element of the society was over looked and importance placed on presentations of high lightening the works people have done - one question if they realize they are doing the Lords work and if they even acknowledge the Lord for this - and also the founder who established the blessed framework they work to.
Why on an annual celebration coming together does the thought not come to mind to acknowledge the founder? To take the moment to reconnect to his spirit which was the starting point to encourage groups of lay people in the service of the poor!
The audience gathered together were aware he was a professor who upheld and communicated the faith through teaching cultural subjects. It would have been nice to touch on his many talents and even take a quote from his many writings that are still very relevant and inspiring to us today, almost 200 years later. In this age where the church is changing, it is even more essential to celebrate the fact our founders writings pre-dated and formed much of the groundwork for the catholic social thought of the modern era!!
Ozanam was challenged, brought forth by another student
"Ozanam, Christianity has done wonders in the past, but what is it doing now in Paris for the poor? Show us what pratical benefit the working man reaps from your religion and we too will believe in it."
Ozanam was silent and took a while to come with a reply which was the "conference of Saint Vincent de Paul."
To me in this moment Im sure Ozanam would have felt like it was Christ asking him a question directly to his heart, to put words into action. It was God sending a message that lead him on a very blessed journey he would have not foreseen; encountering the very real human byproducts of industrial capitalism, a service that required direct immersion by all Christians in the lives of the poor and suffering, the clearest and most compelling sign of Christ's presence in the life of the Church.
My heart cries out for the members of the society who do not know the true foundation, or have not even started the journey to meet Frederic, hear his words. God raised up Bl. Frederic setting him ablaze with the spirit of His love, to transform personal stories of his brothers and sisters from ones of injustice to ones of beauty full of grace, mercy and love.
Reasons behind motivation to help members in society - which I believe are our brothers and sisters - needs to be questioned, the task at hand needs to be inline with what Frederic gave us insight to, meeting peoples needs where they are, physically, mentally, emotional. Most importantly giving people hope, love and safety in knowing they are human; its alright to be at the margins yet here is a hand to journey beside you, a hand of love and acceptance.
Eyes need to be open to the very rawness and beauty of having a collective struggle for a new society - society that the margins are eliminated, the call to be disciples of Christ is no difference from the call to be human! Rather than complain about the present-day indifference, we should "throw ourselves at the feet" of the poor and cry out like the apostles, My Lord and my God! You are our masters and we your servants! Gathering together as a conference is an invitation to take on this beautiful struggle, together - as many, making a movement for progressive social change, acknowledging that the struggle is enormous, yet so too is our hope and faith.
"The saints were out of their minds when it came to love. Their love was limitless, embracing God, humanity, nature. […] And so, my dear friend, are we not going to do anything to become like those saints whom we love?"
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