Go forth and Conquer!
Today I escaped for a few hours to go for a run returning back to the lakeside, rather to the forest part of the lakeside. Looking around I could see the change of season had transfigured the scenery in my absence. Tender green tones with vibrant shoots of grass waving in the breeze making hardly more than a whisper, against the trees who were speaking their own language with the wind wrapping around them. There was not a cloud in the blue expanses stretching above the tree tops that offered a picturesque background to all the layering of colors, textures that gave a sense of shedding and freedom that comes with change of season that reflects the ease and lightness on such days.
Forgetting to look up, I nearly missed sight of "my friends" bathing in the sunshine. Joeys hopping in joy sensing their freedom of been able to let off some energy exploring the open space while its parents absentminded watched on. I thought to myself this is a very good example of what I miss out on when not looking up.
I started to wonder how much of the world people,along with myself, miss by simply not looking up or looking in a certain direction. I find that this lesson can never be repeated or taught to me enough as its always a gentle reminder and I wonder if its a limitation of been human. Only been able to view a certain amount of the world at one time, yet maybe actually more like a blessing; as at times its hard to process what is in front of me without taking into account beside or behind.
The path continued to expand before me, leading me through the trees to small open spaces. One space I saw a house like construction. My thoughts couldn't help but recall the images from the past few days of refugees, wondering if images that appear in media have the potential to change the course of history and act like a 'light bulb' moment for people around the world to act with compassion and love towards those seeking safety. Feeling a little helpless in what I am able to do for them, prayer is all I can offer with hope that they don't lose faith and get a sense of love been sent to them from a world that watches on hurting just like they are and trying to make 'modern policy makers' change the way to welcome them to a place they can build a home once again. …. Saying a few prayers for them, I was still taken by the structure. Round another bend I saw another construction and took a moment to sit and reflect on them.

A question came to mind of what is my house built of? I know my house is within me, firstly and most importantly! As a dear friend taught me the body is the holy temple and another friend taught me that home is within. Two dear lessons that I treasure and recalled sitting watching over the lakeside through the trees.
The other week I was at course and the tutor said that when you get to the 'white gates' you can tell Jesus that he was wrong, that actually if you build your house on sand this is better than rock. I think she was making a joke - not that I really understood it -
Naturally thinking of foundations of my house I turn to the parable in Matthew gospel (7:24-28)
"Everyone who hears my words and obeys them is like a wise man who built his house on rock. It rained hard, the floods came, and the winds blew and hit that house. But it did not fall, because it was built on rock. Everyone who hears y words and does not obey them is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. It rained hard, the floods came, and the winds below and hit that house, and it fall with a big crash"
I know that its actually describing the difference between those who listen to His teachings and those who don't listen - of course listen meaning act of actually taking the teaching and applying them to lifestyle, not just allowing the words to go in one ear and out the other. Which I will be the first to admit sometimes I do this.
Yet today I think that it gives me a prime example of solid foundation been one of Jesus Christ, resulting in having him as my base - then the storms may come and the wind will blow, but the house I have built will stand firm. Sounds delightful!!
For me this parable shows a little bit more of the puzzle, how can I dismiss the fact they both have houses not just foundations!! There is no outward showing of the foundation if you build any kind of building, people are going to see the building itself as they are unable to see the foundation.
Leading me to realize that if Jesus Christ is truly my foundation, no one can really tell except me. Only God and I know what my foundation is made of!! Which brings a sense of wonder at the high importance that the foundation can not help influence the building therefore having an outflow effect.
The person who builds their house on the sand could have a bigger house than you, larger and extravagant. But no matter how big or impressive their house becomes, if it is not grounded on Rock who is our Lord, then it will fall - very simple!! Message is very clear!!
Walking home I was taken by this small insight, finding myself checking my foundation and making sure the supports are sturdy, they are God given so that the house will stand under the upcoming storms. I reminded myself not to make judgement by the house, but judgement by the foundations. Jesus is the sure foundation, no matter how much I build, as long as I am rooted and grounded upon Him I will never be unmovable.
What an insightful and delightful run I must admit - just gives you the sense to Go forth and Conquer!!!
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