Letting in Light - Letting in Hope

Adventure started with two sweet ladies talking on the bus. There was excitement in the air, that feeling of excitement of the unknown which is like rebirth with a difference - with conscious and awareness ever so present. The sun shined its rays of happiness onto the two ladies with their laughter filling the bus, breaking the normal silence that is often present.

I was heading to the station to aboard a train traveling to the city. Not having too many plans on arrival, only one of seeking something different. On the way I realized I didn't bring any books to read - very abnormal - so I sat watching the world move around me. 

While the train was filling up with people, the clouds started to get a tint of grey the closer the city came; I thought to myself that today I have nothing to loose, its time to shine. Sometimes I set little challenges for myself to push myself more than anything. While traveling I thought I would play 'this game' today. Coming up with three goals.... 
1 - Talk to three strangers - actually have a conversation, make them smile and possibly even laugh. 
2 - Do one thing completely in the moment. 
3 - See the bookshop I was to discover, smell a flower and hear some music. 
4 - Have fun, don't think too much, smile and let go, be present in the day. 

Not too hard for all in a days adventure! Gently smiling to myself I thought of what Jesus said - I will never leave you or forsake you. Not just idle words - its a promise! Also He said He would never ask us to do anything He wouldn't equip us for. (Hebrews 13:5) 
I know often these words come at times of challenge, yet today for whatever reason came to mind, they came in a moment of remembering how Im not alone, can plan all I want yet Almighty plans are far beyond mine. Plus to come up with the random thought to play the game in the first place could very well be planting a seed of adventure far beyond what I could plant! Which it was... 

Arriving at the station I searched for the bookshop that I had read about. Its this sweet bookshop that is an honesty bookshop. I know - AMAZING - it works on the principle that if you take a book you leave a book, simple. In todays world when reading actual paper books makes you feel like your living in the past generation; the thought that books are just sitting there while thousands of people pass walking below, pass, above and around this little slice of paradise is incredible. There's something simple and so special in reading a paper book - actual paper!! This cute little book corner sings out to all ... put aside your phones/ebooks, distractions of Facebook, texting, net exploring, and focus on a tale that can take you outside of yourself, somehow, inexplicably, help you to feel better on so many levels, enable a new world to open before you. 
I think that I need to put the word out, get the shelfs full once again so people from all walks of life can discover the very beauty of journeying beside the author entering into an adventure together! 
No amount of money can buy this, nor should it be a restriction so this little discovery set me alight on my adventurous day. 

While in the central station where this bookshop is (2nd level) I need to use the restroom, walking back I saw a piano. I remembered reading about the piano that can be used for basking. Think of todays challenge I thought music... so open the keyboard push the C key to hear if its in tune, said a little prayer for courage and let me embrace the moment to allow my fingers to dance over the keys. 
SO music it was, its strange how when you know no one there seems to be a little less fear present, clarity even, there no reason to have fear or hesitation in the first place!! The music sounded out and no one commented, possibly they looked up from eating their lunch possibly not, I have no clue in the moment all I know is that there was music - language of the soul !! 

Trying to find the way out of the station I saw a sign to Shot Tower Museum. Following the signs I got an educational experience of people working in the Shot Tower preforming the Shot making process - of lead.. While there, another lady came in and we started to talk about what the life style, work conditions and health of the men would have been like. We stood trying to understand only to come to the conclusion that our worlds are so far apart and how time has changed yet not all at the same time. 

Finding my way through the maze I end up on the street across from the state library. Im very predicable and headed there to explore, yet before I was able to cross the road a sign caught my attention ' creativity pass it on' .... Reading on it noted the individual was homeless. I stop to say a prayer for him (not out loud) and looked at the amazing talent he had been gifted. I know that he will inspire others, when it seems he has very little for some if they look hard enough he actually has a lot. I did not speak to him, yet could sense he was so emerged in his own little bubble doing what he loved - painting. I am certain there is a story behind the 'back' of the individual as that is all I saw, and I hope that its a story to be told and heard. 

Leaving the man, I went to the library to discover an art display. It was on St. Gill, who is not a saint rather a very gifted artist who documented the start of mining all those years ago in the outback of Australia. His dog and him ended up on the streets of Melbourne with this art work not display for human eyes, only that of earlier years. It was a remarkable story and one I will go in more detail another day. 

By the time I departed the library the sun had made an appearance and I headed north. I walked about without clue yet came across a garden where I sat to enjoy my apple infront of a fountain surrounded by wonderful flowers. 

After a while I returned back to the city where I encountered my second person to talk to. I was walking down the street - shopping mall lane, just off China town, which should be renamed Asia town!! I saw this young guy, read his sign - "Hi my name is Luke, I am homeless yet not hopeless" - I over heard another guy ask him if he had somewhere to stay, replying that he was staying in a shuttler. 

Walking away continue to think about him, I came across a wonderful young artist who was playing the guitar and singing - Amy Pollock - she was good!! I sat on some steps a long with a few others and listen to her sing. 
Saying a prayer for her too, hoping that her story becomes magical with an encounter with a music director who would sign her and release her cd. She was a mix of Brooke Fraser, Adele and just Amy Pollock!! I loved it as too did a lot of others. 

Walking about my travels lead me pass Luke again, this time I over heard an older lady ask why he wanted money. His reply was for food as he was hungry, she replied that she couldn't help him. It was a strange moment, yet I remembered my challenge - number 2 - and thought this is it ... so I went got some bread, water, biscuit for him. In the moment I felt like this is very little, yes a physical need has been meet yet the picture is bigger than the moment and it felt strange to walk away without been able to help or give more!!

I got thinking while trying to escape from the shopping mall which is like lots of ants running everywhere collecting paper or plastic bags!  
I don't understand why there are not programs or systems in place to help individuals make their own business. I often hear about them oversea helping others in low economy areas getting a small fund to establish a business, obtaining the education, skills and ability to start to support their family. Why is it different here? If these programs are a big success overseas then they should be here too with a little alter to meet the culture/market demand here!! Why is it that community are not coming together even if the government should or could help, bypass them, help others ourselves? COME ON people, a city with four million people in it, can't tell me there are not opportunities out there, every market gap would not be meet, if by miracle they are then fall back on competition which makes for a health demand and supply equation!!! 

Feeling a little helpless, unable to know what to do to help all those on the street in similar situations, I kept on walking been a little lost in thought and came to the familiar church of  St Francis, where the sisters had taken me before. It just so happened that mass had just started. What amazing time to be lost, so I joined the others and celebrated in mass feeling at home in the Lord house taking shelter from the pain and deep sadness that I feel for so many people just outside the four walls of renewing love, peace and shelter the Lord provides for us …… 

Gently smiling to myself I thought of what Jesus said - I will never leave you or forsake you. Not just idle words - its a promise! Also He said He would never ask us to do anything He wouldn't equip us for. (Hebrews 13:5)  

Comforting words from Jesus, that this is what he said not only to me yet to all, especially those I had encountered on my adventure. Lighting a candle for them, saying prayers and placing those loved brothers and sisters I encountered or to encounter, on the Lords alter brings a little ease to the pain, letting in light, letting in hope.


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