What is time?

The other day I was at a retreat day when at break someone asked me what was time? I replied that time was a man made measurement, measuring God's gift of what we call life.... don't think they were expecting that reply, nor was I to be honest, but lead to an interesting conversation about how different cultures live and treat time.
The past two weeks have felt a little like time has no value, not in the sense that it did once before; with days been broken down to different interval periods of hours, minutes, morning, night - now all seem to effortlessly flow with no certain time frames.
It doesn't feel like another week has gone, maybe as I am starting to feel time is measured by when I will be back to myself without a cough or at times foggy head. 

Memories are starting to form even with the smallest things, I do feel like a lot of 'first' have happened…. Like my first experience of a bake potato, learning new words like brolly (umbrella)  or 'rug up' (wear warm clothes)
Or joining a choir - no previous experience of choir's would have prepared me for this one ;o) Its an hour of laughter and everyone singing a different tune to come together during mass to sing 'somewhat' the same melody, not quite in tune or on key. I didn't realize that I personally had to turn the mic on so part way through the mass, my choir 'mentor' hit my arm laughing that the mic not been on. I return the laughter when she sang an unplanned solo by singing the wrong verse. 
A very sweet gentleman told me that he was not too great at singing, can't read music or remembering the lyrics so just follows them on the screen, however he said in his gentle voice it was his form of prayer! I was taken by his simple beauty and offering - this choir is all about singing to the Lord for the Lord, and hopefully to lead others to do the same. 

During the week I got to join sister on a planning session on confirmation program. There is something so exciting about bring the sacraments to others, teaching and embracing the gifts. I often believe that we should be taking the church out to the people and wonder about how the sacraments fit into this notion. The church is changing shape, with an element of uncertainty there is definitely excitement, to think along with our Pope guidance more people will get to see/meet Christ!

I hope to get a bulk email out to all family n friends in the coming days with more details and updates…. trying not to make it too long!! 

Keeping you all in my prayers

Love and Blessings to you all 


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