Yesterday morning I got to experience the Ordination of Erick, Thomas and Peter. It was, as always is, an incredibly beautiful celebration. The church was full, we had Bishop Long who restored my trust in Bishops (this is another story) It would have been easy to mistake him for a passionist, his down to earth, complete heart response during and before the celebration shined through.
When the 'candidates' came froward, they are 'elected' by the Bishop, which is approved by the People of God in their applause. The church was full with family, with smiles of joy, hearts of gratitude, friends who may not understand the 'whole priesthood thing' yet are somehow drawn into their moment, priest and parishioners from throughout the countries of the passionist region came together to celebrate, to pray and embrace these three men; all helping to build the immense anticipation of the ordination itself.
As the ceremonies and rites are normally elaborate, apart of me was questioning how this fits into the Passionist charism. Yet it came very clear that this was a new experience, when the simple yet powerful homily left a sense that Bishop Long had captured the essence of these men who are full of the charism.
When the men lay prostrate on the floor as the entire congregation asked the Saints to interceded to God for all of us, but especially for these men chosen by God to be His priest. Its a moment that struck me, a moment when maybe they realize the humility necessary to be priest. Following this as Erick, Thomas and Peter kneel before the Bishop who lay his hands on each of them in silence. Its a moment where you have a sense of the Holy Spirit working through the Bishop, through the Church as the Holy Spirit has done since the time of the Apostles.
As the gospel was brought forward Erick family did a beautiful and moving dance, Alleluia Burundian chant. What a way to welcome in the Gospel, brings that sense of celebration to a new level.
Also when the gifts were taken up, the Bishop stopped to speak to Erick's mother/father, to share a moment of love, of happiness and acknowledge their gift of Erick. It was a beautiful moment - one of many throughout the ceremony.
While Peter and Thomas family could not be present, they were acknowledged, the Bishop spoke words of what they might be sensing, proud their son's said yes to the Lords call. Then included them in prayer.
The Ceremony was touching. I'm sure you all will get many write ups about the day along with photos so I am keeping it very short…. I know for all in NZ, Erick was aware of the prayers you all sent. Fth. James came over for the celebration too.
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