Grateful Heart
We all have those days when sense the equation is not complete, there is an element missing that possible is about to come together or has been left out to start a new equation.
Whenever things don't add up, violence seems to be the only headline, war is at the door step, I remind myself to count my blessings. And yes! I have to physically stop to do this.
Opening an email from a friend in America today I was reminded that it's thanksgiving over there. I have a very 'hollywood' image of families sitting around tables that have far too much food, that are taken directly from the cookbook onto the table for consumption, everyone has overly pasted on smiles as they all go around the table and give thanks for what is important to them….
Im not American, nor have I been in America for thanksgiving so I keep my hollywood image of this celebration and wonder what people would say…..
I personally would start small …
Filling my heart with gratitude for waking up this morning, my lungs are breathing, I am able body, mentally coherent, healthy and have the very treasured gift of sight, opening my eyes to a world of color, a world of beauty.
Leaving one room entering another with the continuous flow of an atmosphere full of harmony, adventure, the lords hand, safety, love and presents. There is the basics that so many of my brothers and sisters don't have, water, food and shelter …my heart overflows with thanks for been warm, having a 'home', embraced by love all around me.

I have keys to a home to unlock and maybe this is the key to have gratitude for everything and every place I'm in. For people and perspectives for how they stay, firmly rooted or shifted over time leaving me with the sense that my heart is as wide as the ocean full of gratitude.
Large and vast, always endearing to launch into the deep, letting go to come into my own. Im grateful for this knowing…
For communication in all forms, written poetry, music, spoken word, letters and emails exchanging words of love! For the letters/words that are exchanged between strangers opening doors and pushing war into history, uniting all as one - unity -
Im grateful for yellow roses, symbol of peace yet have a scent that take me from a moment of busyness to one of deep beauty, with connection to our creator in a spilt second.
For plane rides across the oceans that I have only dreamt of, oh to be grateful for these memories… For those terrible days which they taught me, challenged me, giving birth to developing my appreciation in the small leading to the big picture that is unfolding.
The gratitude flows in moments of people using their voices, turning anger into strategy, for movements and protest because we are worthy of so much better …. worthy of respecting everything.
I am grateful for carrot cake, for teachers who taught beyond lesson plans. Im grateful for strangers who welcome me in, letting me give a piece of me to them; for the feeling of smoothness of my duvet against my skin when I lay my body to rest in bed, with the image of laying in the Lords hands next to his heart for protection while I rest.
Lets not forget the trees, the air, the quiet moments that settle the soul, for celebrations and stillness in the same breath.
OHHH how my heart beats to gratitude for the Lord, for the gift of life, the blessings that are poured upon me, His ever present that he continues to shine upon me.
Oh I am grateful, internally grateful to be home, servant, healthy, and loved.
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