A few perfect moments

The weekend has raced by, as I finally sit for a moment to reflect over the endless experiences, people I meet, faces I got to see or didn't see. I think of the 'highlights' that I will share with you - 

Have you ever had a perfect day? Or even a perfect moment? I'm sure there are some days when we look back at life and think 'wow, that was like a perfect day' 
I know most days are far from perfect - yet Im an idealist and really my perfect is at times different from textbook perfect, that I know for certain!!

Perfect moment should have the first ingredient of unrealized dreams, that has not happened for a long time. This moment is not necessarily about anything profound or too deep rather a moment in time where everything just works, all ingredients just jelled, and the experience lives up or over the hype. What is a perfect moment for me might be a mundane experience for someone else of even possibly a disaster. 
I guess one could even say there is a perfect storm in life - where perfect moments equate to things just falling into place. While mentally waiting for the other shoe to drop, reality can be a little scary with the realization its easier to get stuck where you have been rather than where you are now. 

This past few days, I think i have had a few perfect moments… 
This afternoon as I was out for a run, the sun was staring at the world without pause through the crystal clear sky. Fragile plants withered under the glare of the fiery orb, while the trees sagged their leafs as if exhausted. The heat radiating from the orange soil underneath my feet, creating an atmosphere of an oven. My lungs took in the fresh air as I cautiously ran concentrating on maintaining an even pattern of breathing. After a while my body feels like a well oiled machine, into a stride both smooth and strong until I near home when reality hit. My legs started to get heavy, the air was hotter and my body was glad to see the sight of home. 

While in my stride my thoughts raced to 'my boys' who were in this oven up in Perth playing cricket. What an unfair match, we kiwis are not built for heat!! When I return home I flick on the 'box' to see a strong partnership between Taylor and Williamson still going. I was delighted. The boys had kicked up the gear, taking advantage of their strengths and the poor fielding from the yellow guide who kindly left a few holes on the field. While watching the match I was telling sister who was who, the lingo, the must watch out for people. It was nice to share the game with another - Hope my dearest family got to see it! 

Yesterday morning, with a bit of a slow start to the day, I joined sister in the kitchen to help with a carrot cake!! It seems every time she goes to Vietnam she makes carrot cake! Not sure if she realizes this, but I do!!!  I watched while grated carrots, adding a few extra to ensure every bite has a layer of carrot. We completed the mixture putting it into the oven. As the kitchen filled with the rich, warm scent of caramelizing fruit, carrot and rich cinnamon. I could not help but dance in its joy, the joy of been connected to memories of my sister baking me carrot muffins for my b'day or special celebrations. The joy of been in the kitchen with sister sharing in one of her loves with one of my 'new discoveries' and the joy of been able to then share the carrot with loved ones. 

Later in the day we all went to Mass, where my heart felt heavy with gratitude for those who were around me, just like this morning at my normal nine am mass; feeling of been embraced with love, great peace knowing Im home. 
Following mass last night, we return to celebrate together over a meal. The atmosphere of celebration, all welcomed united/reunited together, charge of excitement with chattering continue as wine flow, laughter filled the air and history embraced. Old stories exchanged while in the making new stories, the lines are getting thinner to tell the difference between the two at times. 

Opening my emails for the past few days I have been so touched with loved ones messages and photos from NZ. Bless you all, I love hearing the news, feel 'honored' to be able to share parts of my journey with you. Thank you for all your messages of love, for sharing your wisdom that is so often needed, if not in this moment Im sure in moments to come. Forgive me for the delay in writing back, I will become more prompt at replying or at least keep updating this page to give you more stories  - discoveries. 

Its been a few days of full on events, information, organizing, a few challenges yet mostly reality! Reality that when I look back on is sooo actually beautiful, joyful and moving. I pray that I continue to see, that I continue to embrace, to let go and let God!! (so my motto goes) 


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