This morning rising out of my bed feeling late before my feet had even hit the ground, I was thankful to be going to school to see the insightful prep's.
I have been longing to introduce you all to them, however am aware that we live in an over protective society that seems alright with a global corporation taking images of the world without informing everyone, yet extremely cautious to let images of inside the classroom (minus the children) to be taken…. I got a small sense of delight when I saw the new perspectives laying on the staff room table, as this would be great to introduce you to a few of the beautiful children.

It often occurs to me that we all look through certain lenses and often through that lenses, when there is possible inconstancies or gaps its easy to gloss over them. The children often change my view or remind me that there is more than one way to look at the same thing, trading my bias images for an attempt at objectivity, looking at things in new light. It sometimes feels like I have to let the evidence to lead to the truth, regardless of whether it fit my original presupposition.
Take this beautiful example….
When I was in Thailand I recall having to prepare a lesson on the physics behind how a rainbow was formed. I remember struggling greatly, I recall telling them that when I was flying over the Ocean the morning sun came over the horizon, wrapping the earth for a few moments in a colorful rays changing the dark night into purple, indigo to green, yellow, orange, red….
While I did a little google, I learnt that as humans to see rainbows we require the sun to be located behind us, the storm has past and the angle of the sun is about 40 degree with the horizon. Resulting in seeing rainbows in the evening after storms and occasionally in the morning especially during rainy season.
After this one lesson I combine my class with the other english teacher so he could teach them the science behind the rainbow, in exchange I got to teach double religious studies.
Recently in prep class a little angle asked me 'Ms Karen, can there always be a rainbow and we just don't see it?" My reply was possibly, after all we can make rainbows in our backyard with a hose and the right atmosphere humidity in the air. I was taken by the simple question yet thought wait a second…
It could be that every single drop of rain and water in the air holds a rainbow yet not evident to the human eye; just like the pattern of a snowdrop! If this is the case, leads me to ask who is the rainbows for if they can't be seen!!
Then it all came together!! How great is our God!!
Genesis comes to mind (Gen 9:8-17) The rainbow is not to remind us of God's promise to never flood the earth again, the rainbow appears to remind HIM!!!
Flying for many years, in many different places it dawns on me the weight of this after all the Lord sees that early morning rainbow around the horizon every morning, not just the ones I see after a storm, yet every morning a clear sign that he would never forget his promise, he puts a constant reminder around the earth, with every sunrise in humid skies, with every raindrop in every storm, He never stops remembering his promise.
God of imagination and color, only you could come up with the idea of a rainbow to show us your covenant!! Rainstorm and sunshine, harmony and diversity, mercy and hope, promise and joy, wonder and awe. Are these inside of me, the wondrous creation you delight in? My tears reflect the rainbow too… continue to guide me to the rainbows in my life!
"When the bow is in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant
between God and every living creature of all flesh that is on the earth"
(Genesis 9:16)
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