Live like your prayers have been answered!

I feel very blessed to be apart of the Parish here. The spiritual food that is lay upon the table is so rich, so filling at times and can just see the Lord shinning his light down when mass is said. Of course I am comparing a little to the past experiences where I have sat in a beautiful cathedral or churches with the priest somewhat dismay that he has to take time out of his day to come before a small group of individuals (no means a community) and recite words. The very opposite to what I go to each day. 

I was away at a retreat day with a small group of about twenty people all from different walks of life and by no means all catholics. It was a reflective day, at one point questions were given to reflect on, one question that I read was 

"If sometimes you feel your prayers have not been answered, do you accept that Jesus still constantly loves and cares for you?"

I read the question twice thinking maybe I read it wrong and thought straight away that this should have been reworded. I mean how do you know that your prayer has not been answered!! It is repeatedly taught that prayers are often not answered in the way we expect yet always answered they are - is this not what we have faith for as well!?!. (matt7:7)  
Even when I think about the simple example of how I look at something and someone besides me looks at the same thing and sees different. It is common, it is human, we are unique individuals. Yet by no means the thought sit well that someone is implying that prayers are not answered nor do I like the notion of someone who never thought this before been given the idea.

Then today I was sitting listening to the gospel the words brought all together  - 

"…. Jesus answered, 'Have faith in God.' I tell you the truth, you can say to this mountain Go fall into the sea. And if you have no doubts in your mind and believe that what you say will happen, God will do it for you. So I tell you to believe that you have received the things you asked for in prayer, and God will give them to you.." (Mark11: 22-24) 

The simple thought to live like your prayers have been answered - what a joyous wonderful message this is. I have never thought in these terms before - its not dismissing reality, or acting like the problem will not be solved. It is more than this, it takes so much courage, so much assurance and faith to be able to act in this manner, to think in this way its so BEAUTIFUL, pure heart beauty!!
In todays context maybe can phrase it like this ' Believe it in your heart and grab it with both hands, holding onto it and you will have the thing you desire.'

What a powerful message of hope, love, encouragement and reassurance!


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