The unwrapping of the gift that keeps on giving

Some years its easy to wonder -
in the midst of the season, that desire for Christmas for self too or simply been too tired of asking where did the wonder go? Or worst still waking up on Christmas morning and feel like you somehow missed Him.
This year the pages were opened, that begin right form an unexpected beginning and ushered through the most epic story unlike its ever been told nor experienced before. From Creation to Christmas, unveiling of Christ's majestic family tree that only gives ultimate meaning, awe to become my own christmas tree, but above this… the transformation of my own story, the unwrapping of the gift of love through the story of Christmas.
Along the journey was a moment been challenged or if looking to Mother Mary the words perplexed or troubled might be used. My heart rested with the comfort of knowing that even Mary was just a little fearful. Its interesting to hear when Joseph was brought in on the plan he was told "Do not be afraid" It sounds so simple, but it is hard, isn't it? Fear can catch and paralyze us, or even cause us to act rashly sometimes saving us but can just as often enslave us. As Psalm 23 teaches and also Mary displays with so much grace, strength and love, that whatever the day brings trust the Lord is accompanying us and will never be abandoned!! God is with us, or on the other hand, we're with God. Can there be a safer future?
During the week of Christmas things seem to get into full swing, as last minute church decorations happened, music practices started to bring a build up of celebration about to occur. Guests arrived to stay or visit families, long time friends, loved ones. Food was prepared, shared, gifts given and received and nativity scenes were displayed completed. While all this was starting to unfold an awareness of the love that was reflected in the world also present. Awareness of the lonely time for many people, asking the light of God to shine into their lives. Keeping in prayers those without power, shelter, friends or family to share the warmth of the celebrations. There was an awareness of those who have fallen to the illusion of secular Christmas that joy never lasts more than a moment. All this was wrapped in viewing all happenings by whatever was done, do it in love honoring the first sight Jesus saw in this world - the loving star of his Mother while wrapped in the warmth of her embrace.
Christmas has come, Jesus is born. There is a hint of sadness which has an over tone of joy, to the whole advent season as I see the very strong similarities between lent and advent - yet this is for another blog.
The pages are full of joy, the story is written with the unique and loving touch of a paintbrush giving the most beautiful image only the creator could come to create. Its hard to summaries the season in one blog, yet for now this is the best I can do. Leaving out intimate moments, joyous moments, tearful moments, prayerful moments and trying to give a small insight into a great gift of love that is written on my pages which I know too will be on yours.
Happy Birth-day to you Jesus. Let all the earth rejoice!
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