Drink more often and more deeply living water
Tonight I was invited to attend Taize prayer, it was a beautiful simple yet touching hour. My morning had been quiet, with tiding up my room, cleaning floors, washing and the normal things that have a small sense of achievement once all the tasks are completed.
This afternoon was a contrast with activities flowing from one to another without much room between to change mind set into the new activity. Sometimes I embrace this, as it gives me that sense of been youthful in the stamina it takes to maintain speed and concretion. By the time i reached the venue for Taize I was longing to embrace stillness. An overwhelming sense of familiarity hit me, as normally back in Palmy I would attend different church events each night and one of them was Taize.
While sitting in stillness the verse -
If anyone believes in me, rivers of living water will flow out
from that person's heart, as the Scripture says. (John 7:38)
To think, rivers reach places where its source never knows. And Jesus said that, if we have received His fullness, 'rivers of living water' will flow out of us, reaching in blessing even 'to the end of the earth' (Acts 1:8) regardless of how small the visible effects of our lives may appear to be. We have nothing to do with the outflow - this is the work of God, all we have to do is believe!! I often think that God rarely allows a person to see how great a blessing they are to others.
Rivers are victoriously persistent, they overcome all barriers! Sometimes its on course steadily flowing then an obstacle blocks it yet it soon makes a pathway around the obstacle. Or a river might drop out of sight for miles, emerging again bolder and greater than ever!!
There are many different things God's people do when they turn their backs on the living God - the list of wrongs will be longer than santas list that is for sure!! There is the parable on living water well, through Jermiah, God began to speak words of rebuke, he reduced all their wrongs doings into two categories.
First - they had deserted the only source of living water and
secondly - they had tried to generate their own 'water supply' as a substitute for the living water that flows from the heart of God.
As I sat looking at the jar of water that flow on with light through it as obstacles, then reaching the loving Mary and Joseph, I could see the importance of the two. The river of the Spirt of God overcomes all obstacles. We should never focus our eyes on the obstacle in whatever form it is, rather the obstacle will be a matter of total indifference to the river that will flow steadily through us if we will simply remember to stay focus on the source.
We are the light, beacons of light, carried through its our calling as disciples to embrace this, carry it high and bright. No amount of water flowing with put out the source of the living water, no barrier will block the path.
For me, it was a message to never let anything come between me and Jesus, not emotion nor experience - nothing must keep me from the source. To just think of healing and far-reaching rivers develop and nourish themselves within my soul. God has been opening up wonderful truths to my mind at every point he opens up is another indication of the wider power of the river that flow through me. He was provided the living water that quenches the building thirst that so many long for, for those lives who are parched by the drought of truth.
Let us work with all our heart, might, mind and strength to show our thirsty brothers and sisters where they may find the living water of the gospel, that they may come to drink of the water that springs 'up unto everlasting life'. Let us lead by example of Christlike virtues that teach us with a persuasive power that even transcended his unforgettable spoken words. He encourages us to drink more often and more deeply of the living water to bring spiritual enrichment into our lives.
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