Commitment, what Peter teaches me!!
This afternoon I sit at my desk in the heat listening to 'the piano guys' whose music has a delightful beat letting me drift off in the dancing of fingers, sliding of bows and flow of pure passion from the soul. I sit trying to attempt to write a prayer, commitment 'speech', dear I title it that!. As of yet I have no words on paper….
Commitment is a strange thing, a word that I would not often use, associating it heavy to marriage, career, to a challenge, to pushing oneself beyond familiarities…..
I envision a dear friend smiling at me in that gentle way she does in moments of realization, to marvel at the Lords work, the journey that has me sitting here in this moment… the mystery….
I can not help also to think of Simon Peter! Which leads my fingers to jump through my bible leading to Luke!
"And he got into one of the boats, which was Simon's and asked him to push out a little way from the land.
And he sat down and began teaching the multitudes from the boast.
And when He had finished speaking, He said to Simon,
"Put out into the deep water and let down your nets for a catch"
And Simon answered and said, "Master, we worked hard all night and caught nothing,
but at your say so I will let down the nets" (Luke 5:1-11)
….. But when Simone Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus's knees saying
"Go away from me, Lord, for I am a sinful man!" …..
Then Jesus said to Simon,
"Do not be afraid; from now on you will be catching people".
When they had brought their boats to shore, they left everything and followed him.
We say, christians, that we are committed to the Lord Jesus Christ yet the question that is only ever asked between an individual and the Lord is - How committed?
What does total commitment mean, look like - Jesus Christ is Lord in every area of our lives! He is the Lord Monday morning as too Monday evening, he is the Lord of our bodies as well as our brains! Lord of what we save as well as what we sacrifice. He is the Lord of our careers as well as our creed!!!
In Luke when first meet Peter, he is on the beach washing his nets, then by vs11, he has left his boat, nets and everything to follow the Lord. I have often heard this referred to as the miracle of the great catch of fish, resulting in a miracle in the life of Peter.
The steps Peter takes towards that total commitment are no different to the steps that growing Christians all alike must take.
The first step is - getting involved!!
Sounds simple ha! Peter was willing to let Jesus use his boat. This is the physical aspect to getting involved, on a deeper level Peter, until now, has heard the Word of God while continuing his normal way of living. Which is no different a picture for so many people today!! Question comes again - Know the Lord??? Willing to listen to the Word of God, actually listen, hear it changing lifestyle naturally follows this as Peter clearly demonstrates along with other disciples.
For me, it would be easy to say that Peter takes a step in the right direction by turning his boat over to the Lord is a clear example of what we/I must also do, hold that willingness to turn over what I own to the Lord for His use. Full stop, lesson heard!!
My sister would say - but K, you don't own anything as your the lightest traveler around and material items brings a suffocation to you. Very true, while very narrow vision, with respect! We all own things, we own time, we own talent - oh how I own talent a little too much at times!!
Therefore, I move past Peters action of turning over, bring about the question Peter is rising that it is hypocrisy to speak of total commitment to the Lord when we are not willing to turn over your 'boats' to Him.
Leading, for me, the very core question that has repeatedly shown its face over the past few months - Am I willing to invest my abilities and talents, gifts making time available for the Lord to use? Hoarding them or making available in some way for the Lord to use, or will I just use to only bring glory to myself…..
Next step is… "Push out a little" (vs3)
It is one thing to take what we have and make it available for the Lord's use, but its another thing to step out a little by faith from the 'security of the land'. There is so many examples of this easy to come to mind. From not only open our homes for a bible study yet rather start one, or not just give food to a homeless organization but rather go meet the homeless face to face give them food for the soul. It is easy to think of many other examples, Yes, it takes faith and courage to push out as there is risk and 'sacrifice' involved but I can not help sense it goes deeper than this. Peter is teaching by example more than give your belongings to help verbalize the gospel.
Lets not forget, Jesus does not force Peter, rather he asks him!! This is very important after all we have knowledge that Jesus could just walk out of water without the use of any boat!! Jesus wants Peter to get in on 'a piece of the action' He chooses to teach people out of Peters boat!!
How can we talk about total commitment to Jesus Christ if we are not willing to 'push out a little'? God will teach us here and now, He delights to use us for His glory if we just step out a little bit by faith, rather than falling into the security blanket of land!
Bishop Owen taught me Peters next step - "launch into the deep."
Here is where there is total dependence on the Lord, no more land or shallow water! It is where commitment is no longer a sideline. In many ways one could agree its a point of no return!!
It is only in the deep that we experience the Lords power, learn within our hearts that He really does provide in a miraculous way for every need that might hold us back.
Peter shows that we may have to work all night and still catch nothing, but the person who is totally committed to the Lord does not worry about the needs of their life. Jesus teaches repeatedly that if you seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, then all things will be provided!!
It is in the deep we learn to worship!! Actually worship no hallow words, no hands rising, no empty fake illusions!! Jesus is no longer 'a friend invited into my life' He is GOD!!
Peter experienced the Lords power in the deep, he was not only amazed but fell down before Jesus in confessed, " I am a sinful man, O Lord"
The more committed we are to Jesus, the more we are aware of our sinfulness and His holiness. I think Peter is screaming out to us, look hear you have a blessing to know the Lord Jesus who does not depart from us yet rather comforts us and transform us!! DO NOT BE AFARID!!
Peter has reached the point of no return, in a physical sense he left everything to follow his Lord. Yes there were failures yet to come in Peter's life. Total commitment does not mean perfection!!!
Its a matter of taking self off every throne of life and enthroning Christ.
The air lingers once again, just like over a year ago - Its time to launch into the deep!
Its time just as Jesus said to Peter -
"Do not be afraid, Come, follow me.!"
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