Countdown has come to an end! Beach we go!

Countdown is on!! The house this morning had a buzz about it as everyone went to work for the last day - then five days off!! Slowly in the evenings we have been counting down to the few days now. We are going away to the beach!! Retreat so the girls term it, more like ‘bonding’ weekend we call it. 

I did a presentation the other evening on passionist companions, how came about, what they do and so forth. I used a little part of my story to illustrate the importance of having companions from all walks of life journey with us. One of the pictures was of Whanganui and the Kia Iwi beach! Oh the memories. 

While we pack our bags, grab our sunscreen, sunglasses, hats and dream of the picturesque beach that is awaiting us. It reminds me that ‘life is a beach’! No pun intended! Yet no matter what the mood the beach is always sunshine for the soul, even if no sunshine present!
Embracing the cooler water as it crashes upon the sand and refresh tired feet. The cool breeze that blow past and the sound of the waves as they wash upon the golden sandy shore. It is so symbolic, beautiful, graceful, intense, exhilarating, humbling, reflective - this is where I become with nature. 

Its hard at times living in a concrete jungle, missing the nature, grass between the toes, fresh breezes blowing about. While I have to credit the people for creative thinking in terms of bring greenery into the grey complex, there is still a sense within me of longing for nature. I guess it is credit to where i come from that this is with me. An easy touch stone to seeing the Lord in the present moment!

SO we pack our bags, gather our joyful spirits and adventure to the beach!

I’m not taking computer so blogs n photos will happen when I return before I fly out. 

Be thinking of you all as we celebrate the sunshine with laughter, making memories and thinking of you all!


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