Take my hand, lets go to the river...
Disembarking I headed for the Information centre to enquiry where to head, and how, to walk the Merri Creek track. The lady at the counter murmured to her co-worker of the regret that her first person of the day to help was someone going somewhere she had no idea about. After expressing her concern for the 20km walk, she google search and told me nothing I already didn’t know. Giving her affirmation that she had done well, and I will be sounded on the track within the next hour she smiled as I turn to leave with her gentle breath of relief and ‘bless you child’.
Jumping back on the train, I thought before I head on the walk I might just visit my bookshop as I will not be returning to the city afterwards - who knows where the track will take me. So I pop in to get a few books, fiction books, one sounded like a no brainer that I could use on the plane. At the moment Im not too interested in fiction, rather have a full plate with vows, formation, saints and a little soul searching…. yet you know me, books are like an addiction!! Oh and Sister Anne let me borrow her bookcase, so now I have a little more room for a few more - hehe - Bless you Anne.
Okay, back on track…. after realising that I was adding weight to my bag, I left the station and jumped on another train. After five stops I was at the suburb called ‘Victoria Park Station’. For those who know Melbourne it is over Collingwood way.
Yarra River - Near Collingwood end |
Jumped off the train, walked to the road to breath a heavy sigh with a sense of been lost - we are only at the first stage!! Again the morning coffee aroma alerted me to the early sense of adventure, with that my shoulders pull back, head high, spirit lifted and shoes directing my feet to walk left. After walking for a while, found a road that was meant to led to a convent…. Looking high in the sky holding for a sign, or rather a large building, I kept walking, until I saw a sign to join the Yarra valley track.
Seeing the bridge and path I knew I was heading somewhere… walked for about three km to a sign saying southbank 14km. SOUTH BANK - what that is in the city, i have come from there!! Wrong way… so I back tracked and walked back in hope the other direction took me closer to my starting point of Dight Falls.
Finally I saw the convent, very old, very large and I was on the back side of it… typical K style! The thought past my mind to follow the inner track that seem to walk closer to the buildings, however after a little thought continue to walk on the path, coming to the Children’s Farm. Surrounded with animals from the farm, a sense of familiarity lingered in the air.
A sense of right direction was confirm when I saw a lookout, which was on my map. I knew we were heading to our starting point and hopefully there will be the right track to follow from there. Along the sidewalk was art display. This is the first time that I have seen acknowledgement to the landowners, in art, in signs in education of the visitor. It was touching, renewing and offering hope. I often think of the Maori people, the amount of recognition, the amount we - European Settlers - have learnt from them. What a gift! A gift that should be embraced, Australia has a long way to go!! Yet there is hope…
Here is the art work…
Yarra River Path |
Continuing along the path for another few km, I finally arrived at Dight Falls. Here I took a few photos for the tourists, then I turn into one myself taking a selfie. What a journey and I was only just reaching my starting point in what felt like half the morning gone.
I took a while to just rest, take in the sound of the water that felt so refreshing to the ears. The birds were in full tune, calling each other and responding.
From the Dight Falls I started to make my journey on the Merri Track. At first it took me on a path next to the traffic, I was starting to wonder if it was the right path, so I turn back to check the sign. This time I had got it right... So I walked for about kilometre until I came to a sign to confirm my hesitation....
This path weaves in and out of nature reserves, behind residential areas, under bridges, over bridges, along the river, having many opporutnities to leave the track at any point.
I kept walking for a few kilometres until I came across The Merri Creek Labyrinth - WALK IT AND REENERGISE.
It was based in Hewsons Hollow - Clifton Hill - created by local residents over the summer of 2001-2002. It is a valued local resource for enhancing health and wellbeing.
So you guessed it - I walked the Labyrinth, here a photo to show - this photo is especially for Sr B, last night we were having a conversation after Mass as to what I was going to do today, that I could have an individually led 'come away' day, prayer day. SO my delight when I saw this, ticks all the boxes ha B ;o) hehehe.
ANY HOW - a little off point.... back to the journey...
This is the Merri Creek, standing on a bridge - not in water incase your wondering, - Im not that dedicated photographer ;o) |
This is one of the many bridges, I liked it as it reminds me a little of some I have seen overseas. |
The path, so easy to walk, yet nature around it is breath taking - doesn't feel like your in the city at all. |
As I read all the other signs are it, the story was the path closed due to requiring reinforcement in the bank. Therefore we have to use another path, that on the map looked easy to follow and connects to Merri Path.... in reality a little different...
I walked and walked, and walked. I came across a small sign that pointed to a six minute walk to get onto Merri Path again, so I followed that to arrive to a T intersection and this....
Only in Australia... |
I didn't take a photo as when I took two moments I realised my error.... I had reached the MERRI PARK - oh no!!! What a girl to do, I laughed at my error.
Realising that I had walked a distance I decided to go in search of the tram or train to get me back to the city for some much needed water then start the journey back home.
What an adventure, thanks for joining me ;o)
Until next time...
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