Grace Day spent in psalm 90
Where have the days gone... today feels like a Grace Day, full of grace to be able to spend time in prayer, time with my head in scripture absorbing the words with a heart that longs for them. As my fingers turn my eyes read over Psalm 90 holding its truth that strikes me on different levels.
Part of it has the realisation of how quickly life passes us by. I still have a hard time believe I have lived for thirty three years, spent half that time in education, while exploring for the other, this not even taking into account that I have been with the Sisters for nearly two years. How did life pass by so quickly?

How can we gain wisdom from realising that life is short? Psalm 90 talks about our eyes being opened to the holiness of God and our own sinfulness. It also asks God to let us see his glory, that he would bless the work of our hands. Wisdom comes from fearing and knowing God, and seeing our lives as he sees them - brief yet significant.
This psalm reminds me of how I am so glad to call You home.
You abide in Me and I abide in You and for all this time that I have known You, You have been my dwelling place. A place of rest and comfort, where I live and move and have my being.
Before I knew I belonged to You or understood the old stories of the Word or had been wounded by so great a Healer, even then You were my home.
If You were only the God of yesterday - the God of long ago, you wouldn’t be a suitable place to abide - but You are from everlasting to everlasting! Far longer than I can see or think to imagine, You have been the safest of places.
There’s nothing quite so certain as You.
This morning I was doing my normal Monday cleaning, with a full scrub of the bathroom. I looked at the soap, there is one in the shower and one on the basin which is more for decoration really, as the liquid soap is used. I started to think how its interesting soap last so long, with use slowly changes size. Every time it's used, it gives us something of itself, so naturally it becomes less and less.
Do you ever think of life as a piece of soap?
Every day, hour, minute, it is giving you something of itself. Soon it will have given all, and then there won’t be any more of it here. When young I know thinking things will go on just as they do forever. But they don’t. (Next time you use your soap, think of the little prayer in Psalm 90:12)
My old skin and body will return to dust, my days are numbered and I pray they are long but know that whenever my sigh comes, it will be for Your glory.
These tall old trees outside my window will crumble or be eaten away and nothing is new that won’t be old. You use even nature’s life cycles to remind us that You alone can be rest for our souls. You are everlasting God - You are the Alpha and Omega, a Holy Trinity flourishing and never - ending and glorying in one another.
Scripture teaches us there’s wisdom in valuing our days and looking for God for direction.
“Teach us to number our days carefully so that we may develop wisdom in our hearts” verse 12
I need God’s wisdom when it comes to managing my time. Without God’s wise direction, I can spend all kinds of time on things that aren’t my priorities. Then, the things that matter most, get the least amount of my time. And then I get all frustrated at trying to make it right. Whew!
THIS is NOT God’s way and Jesus is my / our perfect example. He knew His priorities, made the most of every moment and sought His Father’s will before His day began. (Mark 1:35)
Jesus didn’t take any day, or hour for granted. He didn’t put off trips, conversations or teachings until life got easier or He had more time. Jesus was intentional in all areas of His life. Every day.
What a purposeful, peaceful way to live. No cramming. No hustle. Not regrets. Just faithful obedience on a daily basis. That is my prayer. And with God teaching me to number my days, and giving me a wiser heart, it is possible.
So when I wake, hungry for the day or perhaps for more rest or accomplishment and production - satisfy me with Your steadfast love.
I want to rejoice with each new gift of a day.
I want to use the wake - up calls from the birds outside my window as a call to worship.
I want to see the hope that morning brings,
the hope of new mercies,
the hope of grace upon grace for what the day will require of me.
Make me glad in You,
glad for the days I’ve been give.
Glad for my home in You - the rest of knowing Christ and being known by Him.
Thank you for being my Home and making Your home in me….
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