Introducing new disciple to the team
Discipleship. It’s one of those words that either conjures up really positive feelings or really negative ones. It can make us excited or nervous or even full of dread. I love the idea of discipleship. Even better I love God’s heart for it. After all we are all called to it in different ways.
I know in the very core of my being that we were designed to walk through life with others. Intentional discipleship is just that… intentional. It takes prayer, effort and perseverance - so Im learning. Despite all the awkwardness and messiness that can accompany it, there is such a beautiful treasure awaiting us on the other side.
When I read about the life of Christ, He modelled perfectly what discipleship looks like. It is quite simple. It is life on life. Far too often we complicate it. We make it something He never intended it to be. We set unrealistic expectations and become discouraged when they aren’t realised.
Jesus’ last command was for us to make disciples to the utter ends of the earth. How can we ever do that if we get distracted by fear and complication?
Love One Another.
Bring me to May blog to introduce you all to different people on the journey. Reflecting on discipleship I feel its suitable to let you meet Mahir Muard - newest member of the parish team - our newly appointed youth worker.
He has been in the parish for just under three months. Im certain that the challenges seem many however his strong spirit carries him through. It has been a privilege to journey beside him as he starts to join in the community celebrations.

*Note - in the Chaldean rite, married individuals can become priest if they are married before starting the discernment of priesthood.
Mahir family are from Iraq, he has grown up in Australia and is still connected to the family Chaldean community. His church is a branch off the Catholic Church celebrating in the Chaldean Rite.
To be honest I have had to do research, along with the informative conversations with Mahir himself about their Rite. Its hard to believe we are under the same Church yet celebrate so very differently. His parish is made up of many Arabic speaking individuals - as this is the language used.
General information -
The Eastern churches have their own hierarchy, but still recognise the supremacy and leadership of the Holy See (the Vatican) These churches date back to the Apostles, who followed Christ’s command to go forth and spread the Good News.
The first set of Eastern rite churches are known as Antiochia. These are the Syrian churches.
(Please keep these churches and their congregations in prayer. They are experiencing deep persecution, and many Syrian Christians have had to flee their homes) This includes the community Mahir is from -
Chaldean rite is from east Syriac, when the Babylonian Cahotlccs return to Rome in 1692 from the Nestorian hers. Patriarch of Babylon of the Chaldeans. Liturgical languages are Syriac and Arabic. The 310,000 Chaldean Catholics are found in Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Turkey and the US and Australia now.
It is truly a joy to be able to celebrate our common faith with our Eastern brothers and sisters. Knowing a bit more about these rites gives us the opportunity to learn more about our Fatih history, cultures, languages and to see how the Holy Spirit has informed and inspired God's people around the world.
A prayer for Mahir and all of us as we respond to the call of been disciples.
God of Love, source of mercy and compassion,
weave your dream for the world into the fabric of our lives.
Remove the scales from our eyes and life the infiddkence from our hearts,
so that we may see your vision.
Transform our lives, so that we may accomplish your purpose.
Anoint us with your spirit of love that we might bring good news to the oppressed,
bind up the brokenhearted,
and proclaim release to the captives.
Give us a new urgency and a new commitment to feed the hungry,
clothe the naked, shelter the homeless, and visit those who live in isolation.
Help us to reach out to those whose no one else will touch,
to accept the unacceptable, and to embrace the enemy.
Surround us with your love, fill us with your grace,
and strengthen us for your service.
Empower us to respond to the call of Jesus -
to deny ourselves
to take up our crosses,
and to follow.
Make us your disciples.
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