Joy filled moments
I have been meaning to post some photos of things at the moment that just make the day seem so much joy filled ;o) I have not had time to take a lot of photos, yet here are a few....

Doesn't it just make you want to sing that Queen song - I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride me bike... bicycle.. bicycle.. bicycle...
This is its new home, on the other side of the car shed - so it has half of the shed ;o) Lucky bike. I told the sisters that I was going to paint a picture of a bike on the outside of the shed.. hehe.. that would be funny if I did that ;o)
Each morning I arise and have a little morning routine happening. Im about to spice it back up with morning run once I get rid of my chest cough. Eating my cereal and drinking a divine morning cup of tea, I often steer out the window to the orange tree where I harvest a piece of fruit for the day. The birds are singing, the sun shining directly into the dinning room. Its so peaceful and surreal at times.
A Sweet lady at church was clearing out her shed; okay it was actually her husband clearing out the shed, and he came across a 'pop up bike' they don't use. The kind lady thought of me to give me more speed and adventure. Therefore I brought home the bike and now find myself speeding around the hills and lakeside with the wind blowing through me while my feet work hard reminding me of the Flintstone movie ;o)
This is its new home, on the other side of the car shed - so it has half of the shed ;o) Lucky bike. I told the sisters that I was going to paint a picture of a bike on the outside of the shed.. hehe.. that would be funny if I did that ;o)
Goodbye winter - Hello Spring. I love this time of year as you would have read on my other posts. There is so much new life, so much hope, beauty making it feel so easy to walk around in a daze of endless praise.
Good Morning

Recent when visiting Botswana my flight back to Australia was delayed resulting in spending a day in South Africa. I had a few coins left and saw these wooden shakers that I got for the choir. The past weekend we had youth mass and the girls used them. They thought it was the best thing ever adding another dimension to the music. I wonder if the village people that made them know that they bring much joy and laughter to others. Lets hope they do.
Alternatively each weekend we have the priest to dinner, this past weekend was our turn. We had very little flowers in the garden to make a centre piece, therefore I used some paper. On the bright side they will last longer. They are now around the candle for morning prayer. My table setting skills are improving, still getting the fork and knifes on the wrong sides yet we will get there. Good things take time ;o)
Im highly aware I have not put any photos of people on this blog post. Sorry I just have not got there ;o( I will have to take some more photos soon.
So many small blessings and joy.
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