Grace morning - clothe in
The month is packed with different talks, events, parish life and just generally busy for everyone in the house. For the past week I have had a cold that the kind children shared with me at school. This has slowed me down a little, yet very thankful to be back on the horse and riding again - so to speak.
This morning is a Grace Morning. I have taken time to have my desert day - morning of prayer, reflection, inner time and stillness in Lord presences. Embracing this morning it occurred me to that feeling over the past few days of just how life happens!!
Life gets busy and crazy.
Through this business it can feel like we are not understood or at times appreciated. Its easy to fall into the falsehood of comparing or pleasing. We get discouraged and frustrated. And to be honest . . . some days I just have a terrible attitude. It is on those very days that I need a reminder.
When I take my eyes off Jesus, they are put onto those around me. Sometimes when this happens, I am more concerned that I am appreciated or understood. I am more concerned if I am doing as much as someone else or living up to invisible often self imposed expectations. I need His word to lovingly put me in my place.

This puts it all into perspective.
Right here, in the middle of my ordinary life, I am working for Him.
It is about so much more than me. It is about Him. We are doing work that matters. When we may be doing the same thing day after day, we might lose the importance of it.
We forget we are working for Him and to bring glory to Him.
This brings me to where the morning reflection has lead me to spend time with the Word - Colossians 3:1-17
There is an invitation to be clothe with five distinct virtues of Christ. Not for a special occasion, but for every day. Each are deeply familiar to me, all holding gifts of their own.
In my reflection I have taken a moment to reflect on the past 24 hours where I have witness this in my daily living….
Clothe yourselves with COMPASSION -
Compassion is a word so often used, its like a state of motion. It compels us forward. We see a hurt or a need and our heart moves us to respond. Compassion is a way of living that reaches others with the heads and feet of Christ in very practical ways.

Kindness is a simple outward expression of an inward peace. It can be an encouraging word to a friend. Or a quiet pause to look someone in the eye, and say without words that “I see you. You matter” Kindness is a way of living that finds the deepest pleasure in making others smile.
In the afternoon I went around to fiends for coffee and laughter. It was one of those afternoons that the soul just longed for a motherly word and tenderness that sometimes a girl just needs. Time passed as we talked, laughed and shared about life. It was full of moments of kindness, moments of just been present to the each other, when we departed there was the sense of togetherness that will continue to let each of us shine.
Humility is the epitome of otherness. It’s a natural forgetfulness of self. Humility is a way of living that looks to others first, because they genuinely care.
Over the weekend I read a memoir by Helen Sage “A flower between the cracks” Leading me on an intimate account of a mothers love and daughters courage. Helen’s 22 year old daughter was involved in a car accident leaving her in a coma, then when finally awaking slowly learning to walk, talk and adjust to life that will never be the same. This complexity of caring for a loved one with such grace and profound joy found in each day as they, as a family grieved for what had been, what was to be. It went beyond a mothers love, it was a deep insight into how everyone is interconnected, relationships are so intertwine with inner self, with society with faith. Stories like this that are unfolding beyond the door next door leaves a deep sense of all the humility that is around us.
Clothe yourselves with GENTLENESS -
Gentleness is more than a softly spoken word or a tender embrace. It’s a manner of approachability that says, “You are welcome here in this space with me” Gentleness is a way of living that draws others near.

Clothe yourselves with PATIENCE -
Patience is often paired with waiting. It’s a stillness of soul. Patience is a way of living that embraces the timelessness of eternity, trusting in the One who holds all things in His hands. And this is our prayer….
as God’s dearly loved children… that we will clothe ourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience… each and every day.
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