How do we open ourselves up to the HS grace

Last Night I went into the city to experience six30, which is a youth adoration hour in the cathedral. 
After this I went to a lecture given by Fr Jacques Philippe, who is an international speaker and author on spiritual life. Writing on themes such as prayer, interior freedom and peace of heart have become classics of modern Catholic spirituality. 
Fr Jacques is a priest of the Community of the Beatitudes, in France.
The talk was on how to be open to the work of the Holy Spirit. 

Fr Jacques opened his talk by asking a simple yet rather challenging question 
“How do we open ourselves up to the Holy Spirits grace?”

Unfolding the answer to the question by giving us eight points which he lightly touched on, after all it was only an hour and half lecture. Im certain that Fr Jacques could have spoken hours on each point. I’ll summarise for you all. 

To achieve interior receptivity then eight points need to be followed - or rather be a guide.

1.Faithfulness to prayer. 
 Day after day, week after week, prayer is building the relationship. After all recall scriptures like seek and you will be given; ask and you will receive. Along with this though one needs to be open for the grace of the Holy Spirit with an open presences for the Lord to work. 

2. Trust
More than trust receive, which sounds extremely simple yet in moments of struggle can be hard. For interior receptivity its important to have a true interpersonal relationship giving Him absolute trust, that is founded on God as He is internally merciful. 

3. Attitude to be open to Grace - HUMILITY - known also as been humble. It is acknowledging ones own littleness and faults opens up one self to know above these that the need of grace of God is depending upon Gods grace.
It calls for a reconciliation with self, not to be anxious or worried with self about past, future. After all its important to remember we are linked to God. It like a lesson that is shinned through when Jesus washes the feet, it reminds us to be little enable self to server others. Drawing down grace of God, recognising self as poor by the Holy Spirit given. 

4. Obedience. 
There is many different meanings to this word with some of them been childish yet within there is a beauty God gives to those who are merciful. This is illustrated in the days gospel reading of Luke, where the nets were thrown full of fish. 
The more decisive within to do the Lord will, opens yourself to experience freedom, trust, love. It is knowing how to follow the Lord by living through opening for the Holy Spirit to work. 
We can refer to teaching of receiving through one fold, or gaining treasure when leaving behind others. 
There is another important way of living obedience and that is to observe and be present to the events of life, accepting them in all their complexity. Resist the fight in times of hardship and just be present to the moment. This is obedience in its finest form, and allows the Holy Spirit to guide one through life. 

5. Peace
Open to Holy Spirit condition requires an inner peace in events we encounter. Keep our hearts at peace creating a rich source of discernment rather than when anxious and play to emotions.

6. Live in the present moment. 
One day after another, entrust the past to mercy, future to his providence and present moment to love . 
Been in the present moment allows an openness to grace and contact interior resources. 

7. Detachment (freedom, flexibility) 
It is normal and wonderful to have good plans and projects however these should be embraced with a level of flexibility. When plans are changed or altered one should not get worked up and great drama, rather remember that God is first. 
There was a story about a Sister presenting at a conference for the priest and she said this line which reminded with Fr Jacques and he pasted onto us - 
“I am always ready in the next five minutes to do the opposite what I plan”

8. Gratitude - thankfulness. 
The more thankful we are, the more one learns how to say thanks opens up for larger capacity to receive from the Holy Spirit. 
St Therese teaches in a beautiful playful way, that when we give thanks for one thing then the Lord return the thanks with five things. Then we give thanks for the five and receive another fifty graces. This multiplication continues - try your see. 
It is by giving thanks for the little things that opens up to allow the heart to grow. 
Attitude of gratitude has power purify heart sadness to giving thanks. 

That is all my notes, there was a lot more said yet these are the main pointed I picked up on. I have to admit that these eight points I have been blessed to be taught along the journey over the past year. The interior movement within oneself is so important to understand and embrace. …. well the study continues ;o) It was a wonderful talk that Im very fortunate to be able to attend. 

Random little discovery - This photo was not taken last night, yet it is of Fr Jacques and Sr Claire. Sr Claire is the translator, as Fr only speaks french yet understands a little english just not speak it. Sr Claire is from New Zealand, she has be apart of the Beatitudes community for 20 years.


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