Weight of another burdens

Recently Im stuck by the fact that at times one feels like another burdens are their own; leaving a stir within on how to fight… It would be easy to be a worry-riddled friend whose weight of another over burdens them. 
Praise God, that he made us freedom fighters, fighting for friends on our knees, is all I can say…. 

Jesus prayed, "I am praying for those You have given me, because they are Yours" (John 17:9) 

Having a sensitive soul at times can feel like its laying exposed and overwhelmed. It is a kind of alarm clock of sorts, making one do only what they know and fall to their knees in response to an exposed heart. 

There is a small sense of welcome to this, through the mere fact we are all broken; we are all beautiful; we are all in need of grace. We are all glory - reflectors. We are the paradox people!! 

I recall C.S. Lewis once writing "Friendship is the moment when one man says to another, 
'What! You too? I thought that no one but myself…." 
If that's true then the starting place for all is to stop believing the lie that we are the only one. 
This is what friendship means, saying even if the specifics of our lives and stories are different we all understand what it means to be human and we choose to do life with each other rather than apart. 

We are not the only one also calls us to give up the comparison game which can be one of the deadliest traps the enemy tempts us into. Like our sister Eve, we try to take on the attributes of God and find ourselves sinning. One could say what Eve did was the greatest gift of courage, she and Adam could have done for us all. Staying in the garden would have been a stale lifestyle. No progression, no learning right from wrong, no experience to truly learn how to discern good from bad, no way to judge God from Satan. Adam and Eve could have stayed in paradasiac innocence, but there would have been no joy because there was no pain. No happiness with out sorrow. We needed this earth life to have opposition and choice so we could show God our love and true devotion. 
Its a beauty that we are all different, we are reflections of the creator all giving another insight into our Almighty. 

YET this does open up to how our hearts feel, when exposed its like ones burdens have been halved then we have a piece of that other friend within us. What a gift, a gift that we must hand over. 

Jesus prayed for his friends to the Father, the disciples were a small motley crew for whom He cared deeply. He loved them with open hands and gave them back to the Father, who had entrusted Him with these souls. Jesus relinquished all control He could have had handing over to His Father. Above this though, he performed the simplest, most powerful act: He prayed for them! 

Some days Im sure we all feel like we want to change the life-altering stuff in others lives, with at times its weight bearing upon ones shoulders like never ending tide of worry and heartbreak. 

Prayer is like a battle cry at times, it is bold, with syllables spilling out, grief exhaling, handing over everything to the Lord including that can't give: healing, peace and joy. 
Past experience teaches me whispered short prayers fire bursts in my bone releasing all burdens. 
Leaving a sense that its easy to fight for friends; wanting God to invade their lives with all of His power. Its a reminder that He doesn't want me to worry nor fear. He wants to give over every piece of worry riddle pain and name it in His presence.  Which is the same for you all too…. 


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