Novena - 7 - Peru

Pray for the Sisters in Peru
“If we want the consolation of our mother and if we want to console her in her sorrow, then we must comfort all her children. We must give birth with Mary and her Son to courage, to heartfelt hope in one another.”

‘Mary, shadow of grace,’ M McKenna
Word of God:
“They all gave themselves to constant prayer with one mind, together with some women and Mary the mother of Jesus and his brothers.”
Acts 1: 14
We pray for the Sisters in mission in Peru and we give thanks for their ministry among the poor. May their involvement be a source of enrichment and may their ministry be fruitful and grow in ways they have never dreamed possible.

We ask that they will recognise the promise of new life as they accompany those in need and we rejoice with them at all that has grown from the seeds planted since the arrival of the Sisters almost 40 years ago.


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