A lil story
Arising before the sun to be hit with the crisp morning air, with the night sky shinning. Arriving at the top of a hill I could look over the suburb and see the in the distance the darkness and glomming lights of the stars. Strange how when we look up into the night sky all I often see is the brilliance of the sparkling stars not only because there are so many, yet because that is what I am expecting! It would be just as easy to focus on the blackness of the space around them, surrounding the earth- or the coldness of that outer space - or the hostile atmosphere for the human body. Yet I don't!!
I am just like most people, who tend to look into the sky dazzled by the light show and the possibilities. That is our association because that is what we have learnt!! Funny that we should look for the beauty in the heavens outside our earth and be taught to look at death, destruction, war and hunger, poverty and other suffering here on our common home world.
….I heard a story the other day, which was so beautiful, simple yet powerful, Ill try to retell it…
Long, long ago, before time began - if one can even imagine this far back - The world was plunging into darkness. There was no dawn. No dusk. It was always night. So when the gods journeyed from all points on the compass to gather a the sacred circle to create a sun!
One of them would have to sacrifice themselves to the fire to become the new sun that would endure for all time.
The gods called out - "Who will light the world?"
The gods were silent.

When the blaze was roaring the gods called out
"Jump now into the flames"
Yet the god stood before the inferno, felt its great heat and lost his courage.
The gods called out again, "Who will light the world?"
Again the gods were silent. Only little Nana, the smallest and humblest of the gods, stepped forward. She was ugly and covered with sores.
"Little Nana if you sacrifice yourself, your wretched body will be transformed into the glorious sun and you will bring light and warmth to the people of the world till the end of time" Little Nana did not want to die, but she thought of the light she would bring and stood at the precipice of the inferno.
The gods commanded her, "Jump now into the flames!"
Little Nana closed her eyes and bravely jumped into the heart of the fires. The red flames shot high into the heavens; little Nana rode a fiery path to the sky and was transformed into the resplendent new sun.
Then the gods saw that the world had no color. They called out to the gods, "Who will bring life to the world?"
The goddess of all things beautiful, called out "I will do it!"
The gods love goddess and cried out "But you will die!"
"No, I will not die," the goddess replied "I will fly into the sun and when I fall back to the earth I will transform into new life. I will be the mother of all to come."
It was as she said… she gave herself the plumed wings of a butterfly and flew high into the heavens to be filled with light. When she fell back to the earth she was transformed into flowers and butterflies of every color.
Since then, every year when days grow short and a cold wind blows, the butterflies fly from all points north to the sacred circle in memory of the goddesses who stood at the precipice and bravely jumped, sacrificing themselves to bring light and life to the world.
So you see, every life there is death and rebirth, life cannot be renewed without sacrifice.
Now I ask myself,
"Will you bring light to the world?"
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