Novena - day 2 - Ireland
(Firstly my deepest apologies that the photos are not working. They are photos of the Sisters of each Country we are praying for. Together, B and I will work out tomorrow how we can get them to appear ;o) I will come back and update these postings too)
Mother of Sure Hope,
in all our moments of
doubt and trial gain for us
the grace ever
to serve your Son as you did,
with deep faith,
calm courage, and with
a heart untroubled
by distrust in him or in
his everlasting love.
O God, source of all life, your servant
Elizabeth Prout,
responded to your call by bringing together
a new family to welcome the poor and the abandoned,
and to keep alive the memory of your
love for all your children,
shown to us in the Passion of Jesus, your Son.
Give us the courage to follow her example
of living faith, and untiring love.
Through her intercession grant us
the favour for which we pray.

in all our moments of
doubt and trial gain for us
the grace ever
to serve your Son as you did,
with deep faith,
calm courage, and with
a heart untroubled
by distrust in him or in
his everlasting love.
Pray for the Sisters in Ireland
“Just as her pierced heart mourned the death of Jesus, so now she grieves for the sufferings of the crucified poor and for the creatures of the world laid waste by human power.” Laudato Si
Word of God: “There was a prophetess also, Anna..............she was well on in years before becoming a widow...............................She came by just at that moment and began to praise God; and she spoke of the child to all who looked forward to the deliverance of Jerusalem.” Lk 2: 36-38
Let us pray for all who are powerless or diminished that they will always know their own dignity.
Today we pray for our Sisters in Ireland that they will be a sign of hope for all those whom they encounter as they give and receive love and compassion. We give thanks for all the people who have supported the Sisters in their ministries and where the connections have been mutually enriching and life giving.
Elizabeth Prout,
responded to your call by bringing together
a new family to welcome the poor and the abandoned,
and to keep alive the memory of your
love for all your children,
shown to us in the Passion of Jesus, your Son.
Give us the courage to follow her example
of living faith, and untiring love.
Through her intercession grant us
the favour for which we pray.
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