Many Christmas Blessings

 Well, its Christmas Eve here and Christmas Day back in AU/NZ. 

Oh how I miss Oceania at this time. A experience that is for sure, yet covid has brought a very heavy darkness upon us which is hard to see the star guiding. 

My ears awaiting for familiar tones of carols, my eyes embrace the lights that flicker down the street a reminder of 'I am the light of the world'. My mouth awaiting the familiar dishes of Christmas, pav, berries, custard, carrot cake ... yummy.... My hands long to embrace loved ones. Social distancing brings about an odd isolation that is for sure. 

So for now, I send out my Christmas wishes, may all our days be fill of the hope, joy, peace and love that the birth of Christ reminds up uniting us back with our Creator. 

Merry Christmas to one and to all. 


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