Dusting off
My blog needs some serious dusting!! Long-time no writing.
I can’t help yet feel that 2020 has been the “unpredictable” year to date. What a year it has shaped up. From leaving Vietnam in January, selling up and closing community (as if you can ever close a community don’t think that is a thing) in Australia and contained within four walls in Ireland where instead of adventuring on, have undertaken study here.
My world has shifted to online, demanding a lot from the head, from the eyes and in some ways mentally/emotionally as adjust from a connected world to disconnection. Learning a new language of connection in 2D form. To keep the covid blues away, I took up study here in Ireland – in truth it was on the cards anyway. - a Masters in Applied Spirituality. The Applied part of the equation seems as important as the subject, as it should really be called a Masters in practicing spirituality. Thinking of placing that into a one-year course… emmmm… yeah not the brightest idea yet here we are half way through already with a heavy work load while embracing the challenge. Then on top of this to have to give accreditation to living spiritual experience, well…. the thoughts swim.
When will the education institute move out of a set measurement process to one that fits our true account? Move away from this A, B, C, D model into an inclusive way of fitting the discipline that is study. Not in my time I would think, plus this is a completely different conversation. Ireland system is a little behind the time in some regards, even the high school system is all dependent upon one exam, like back in the ‘old’ days. Wow I am showing my age a little…
Covid is still very much in the country, if not increasing. I live in an environment that anxiety is expressed, we talk about it nearly daily. The one verb moments seem to be plentiful, dropping in the air like a release of emotion into the ocean. I am slowly adjusting to the Irish way, or is it just to the community way!?!
I’m sure a lot of people are the same, this anxiety that lays like a frost each morning when rise. In truth, I often think that the way we address and respond to covid highlights a rather larger picture. From March extreme measurements of complete lockdown based on the information and professional advice was a radical response. Then now eight months on, a lot more information, research, societal behaviour impact etc and yet, still the same response – lock it up.
I have completed first semester and as much as I would like a holiday my dissertation rolls around my head like a seeking wiseman looking for the star. You know how you have awareness of a notion playing around you then everything in life seems to tune into this notion, yeah that is me. I am in the process of trying to narrow down my question/focus for my dissertation and struggling. I guess as its truth, its life that I am seeking to understand. As we all know anything to do with life and relationships never reach the point of complete clarity. So for now… the seeking journey continues with my eyes looking up at the star for guidance.
I have decided to write a few blogs over the coming weeks, trying to redirect my energy. I have noticed I spend a lot of time dwelling, or in some ways not using it wisely. One has to relax though. Insight into life is interesting, there is a lot happening. Not physically, rather just processing, virtually and dreaming.
OH the dreaming, I can’t wait to share the dreaming. I miss having someone to bounce off and dream aloud. That aspect of the Australian community is deeply missed, there is a sense of where I am confronting the limitations of aging which at times is contradiction to where I am at, wanting a place of listening, dreaming, encouragement and oh how the wings are developing. This for me is prayer at this time. Somethings though, a human conversation would go a long way for the heart. One day, I will store up my treasures to let them nourish the rich soil that I am placed upon.
So yeah, my blog is being dusted up and hopefully myself discipline over the coming days will give you a little food for the journey as it does me, I look forward to reconnecting in this formate.
Until then, don't hold your breath just incase procrastination sets in as you will be left blue. Hopefully though... next few days back into sharing the thought provoking world that is around me.
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