Unity, community and living
"They devoted themselves to the apostles teaching and fellowship,
to the breaking of prayers.
Awe came upon everyone, because many wonders
and signs were being done by the apostles.
All who believed were to gather and had all things in common,
they would sell their possessions and goods and distribute the proceeds to all, as any had need."
Acts 2: 42 - 45
It’s always striking to read the line, “Now all the believers were together and held all things in common.” There is such unity found in that sentence, a sense of a woven community in the early church. Look how we have travelled. Interesting how their devotion to the teaching of the Word this is from, to fellowship and communion with one another, and to pray.
During the retreat - which went amazingly well thank you for all your support and wishes - during this time I was able to sink my teeth into Richard Rohr latest book “The Universal Christ”. It is heavy theology at times, yet written in a style that is gentle and not imposing. Through the beginning pages it was breaking open the very simple question is Christ just Jesus last name or does it have special meaning? In truth I have never personally thought of it as a last name, rather different to Jesus in the sense that Jesus is human form where as Christ is referring to something more mystical, more wholeness of God… hard to describe, yet I have never really used the names as substitute for one another, or a first or last name.
Reminds me a little of the Vietnamese people, who recently trying to help get plane tickets to go to Argentina ran into the problem of having no last name and first name. Felt like one of those moments when the western world imposes their systems and ways onto other cultures, opposed to acknowledging and embracing their cultural norms.
During the retreat, we spent a lot of time focused on community. There were conversations as length about what makes community, how to make it a home, what is home? Conversations of practical ways of fostering community and bring fullness of life.
I am taken by the scripture and then Christ image. I am left with this sense that we have drifted so far from where we were started.
I can not help wonder if in the coming generational church, we will be one of unity with other denominations. Finally acknowledge that while our devotions and rituals, traditions are all very different we are all facing the same way, worshiping the same creator. It’s time that this was put out there….
In Australia I look around the church some times with realisation that we all come from different cultures, the actual ‘Australians’ (defined by been born and raised in Australia) are very few and possibly can use fingers to count. We live in a time where there is multi cultural living at its hight. On top of this, so often there are non-catholics sitting in the pews, supporting their children, parents, grandparents. There is a sense of communion about this act, a sense of love and great respect. To come participate in a service that is not your own, yet see that there are aspects that are the same as yours. It is quite remarkable in truth. Even 50 or maybe even 30 years ago this would have been unheard of. Those who walked through the doors of the church made a dedication that they are that faith, with their devotions, status in their homes or necklaces holding their faith label for the world to witness.
Times are changing, it’s hard sometimes to see where or what way. Acts verse reminds me that its reality that we may be part of a church that echoes the early church or perhaps at times a part of one that is a far cry from it. Maybe we are in a season where we don’t seem to belong anywhere. Or a season where church might be found online for the time being. But no matter what, we are created for community in all its complexities. After all the family unit is the first community we encounter and know. We are meant to share space, life, our hearts, our means with one another because doing so creates the friction that sparks ‘Christlikeness’
While at times we get caught on labels, on names, on denomination identity, if anything I have learnt more so over the past few years is to gather together with brothers and sisters each day, Break bread in whatever form this holds - share a meal -
Listen to each other, really listen,
Give thanks to Creator, to the environment, to each other
And be of one Spirit, united in love.
It is sort of very simple isn’t, for people like me who live in their head a lot of the time, its made complicated through none other than thinking about it!! Scripture always seems to bring back to reality.
Times are changing, let us live the change and be present to all the small acts of compassion and love that is shared in and between communities.
Out for morning walk, down the street with the sun gleaming through. Good morning world |
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