Blessings of nature on retreat
We have made it safe to the retreat week… It feels like time has gone fast and slow to this moment. We are here non the less.
Its a beautiful spot about two hours drive from Ho Chi Minh City. Its in what they call ‘mountain’ area, which is not not quite the same meaning of the term as I would use. It is though out of the city.
We awoke from our first night to walk 200 meters to the chapel for Mass at 5am. The stars greeted us in the clear sky. When was the last time I saw stars? Have I ever seen them in Vietnam?
Naturally I looked up trying to identify things my father taught me, southern cross, big dipper, milky-way, Pot. Then I realised what part of the world I am in, and the stars are so different. Some so bright that it reminded me of the three kings, others seem to hold no relationship to each other. Its incredible how the galaxy is formed just there, outside of the earth all around us.
The location is just off the main road, so there is still a little of the road noise. In the morning after our first session on Creation, we were given the invitation to walk in the garden, listen, taste, smell, feel, and use all our sensors to connect to our environment.
It was soul renewing to be in nature once again, to hear that tune that sings to my soul that only mother nature can give. The girls with their melody, the wind creating flow and movement, with the energy of all creatures moving in an undertone of beauty that is quietly present as man-made noise crashes over it.
Bathing in this melody, this tune that only teh soul knows of, not the head, it gives me renew light, renew hope. It blesses me with the witness of negative energy of dwelling on thoughts or past that needs not. The song is one of wonder, one of creation, witnessing the smallest insight into the Creator.
Last night I was remind of the significance of us all been on a journey, PILGRIM. This place is a stop on a pilgrim journey to a shrine. Yet we are all on this pilgrim of life. This morning the burning bush that Moses encountered was presented to us, highlighting what the bush express when questioned who should I say sent me. I AM.
I AM I AM, has sent me,
To this now moment.
Here I am.
To be the voice and to be the heart,
Through which Heaven is made known on earth.
Carrying this around while feeling the delight, reunion mother nature gifts me, I am also remind I AM too this, I am a delight, a gift the creator gave, a gift I received and I pray give to others through encouragement, empowerment. The depth of this sits within me, the spiritual giftedness sits awaiting for its presents to be fully released.
This afternoon we continue with the creation story, and have a little movement too. What a very blessed start to the retreat. Hold the girls in your prayers, that they are moved by the spirit on their inner journey and journey together. That the challenges they are confronting they seek to witness the Lord in them, to feel the Lords tenderness in others sharing their gifts with them.
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