The Wedding!

Last night as I sat in Mass I was taken by the Gospel reading, as I realized I had read the Saturday gospel at home not putting two with two together that I was going to Sunday Virgil mass. So when the gospel reading came, it took be by surprise.

 The Wedding at Cana. 
A very popular reading, that I have heard many times like most of you. Yet this time it was different, as I awaiting for the homily to put some thoughts together to focus myself I realized that what was been said left me feeling hungry for more. 

I left mass feeling unsettled then just put it down to a day of giving praises for the small blessings He poured out. Then today back at Mass I was still unsettled, realizing there is more to this, there is a message Im meant to hear, trying to open myself to listen and explore a journey was embraced.... 

Mary's first line in this wedding story is "they have no wine" Those four words never seem too important to me, until I put them into context. No-one knew who Jesus truly was at the wedding, he hadn't performed any miracles or signs as John titles them nor had He even given any teachings; but Mary took the servants worries of having no wine to her Son anyway. 

Leaving me with the impression Mary was Jesus spiritual director, she believed in Him, knew He was ready to hear the Lord call, encouraged Him to realize, embrace what the Lord was calling Him. Mary didn't need to explain the situation or even ask Jesus to do anything; she just trusted and believed in Him. She let Him know what was wrong, then left it in His hands. 
If we live by Mary's example, she teaches us that the Lord only needs us to put our problems in His hands and trust Him. 

I will be the first to admit Im stubborn, I often get narrow focused or determine to achieve a task if it is set for me. This is not a negative nor a positive, however there is one thing that gets me each time I hear this story - "Do whatever He tells you" This might be the best piece of advice anyone can give. EVER. 
After Mary told Jesus about the lack of wine, He didn't tell her what He was going to do, but she already knew the solution. That's because Mary's entire life was based on doing God's will. 
This teaches me that I can't look to Mary for guidance without seeing her Son; after all in this act she becomes a perfect mirror of Christ which she remains today. She wants nothing more than to point us back to Jesus and His will. 

The empty pots "stone water jars" sometimes leaves me wondering why this is so important to mention. Of course who ever got the water would have to put it into something… after all I have to remember that so many words are left out of scripture which means those left have importance. Therefore the emptiness of those six stone water pots might signify the void of Judsaism and its failure to meet the spiritual needs of the Jewish population leaving them unfulfilled with much to be desired. (this could easily be translated into today's world) Why wait for them to be completely empty, after all its known that the wine of the day was watered down anyway. I have come to the conclusion that Jesus waited until they were completely empty so He could move in with His new, fresh and good wine. Same today, He waits until our hearts are completely empty of all filth and love of the world before He moves in and allows His Grace to work and fill them with good wine of love for the Lord and for one another! 

Oh and the six, well I learnt a few years ago that Biblical scholars think that the number six of the water pots signify one less than the perfect number seven; signifying that the Levitical law was less than perfect or rather incomplete at the time of the wedding feast been performed. 

Attending my third mass on the same reading, there was a change in priest, and a change in homily. I eagerly awaiting to hear what angle he was going to take. The feminist apart of me was hoping he was to focus on Mary, sing her praises, acknowledge her role, another part was hoping to hear about the depth of Jesus call to his ministry work, taking this first step. 
Then Fth. started to talk and it hit me that this is an epiphany. (I should have realized this sooner after all my birthday is on a Epiphany!!)

The link is not hard to see, There is three events the church celebrate as Epiphany (meaning manifestations or revelation) Magi's visit, the Lord's baptism and the wedding feast of Cana. 
The Magi's homage shows divinity of this child-king who is to die for his people. Jesus' baptism in the Jordan reveals a glimpse of God's inner life as Trinity. And the wedding feast of Cana reveals the divine power at work in this carpenter from Nazareth, plus he does it in the middle of an everyday life event like a wedding reception!!

While sitting in church a moment of realization happened! 
The Old convenient was good…. it was good to know that God is one that the way to please him is through 'right' actions. That's really what the ten commandments are all about - justice to God, who alone deserves our worship and justice to each other who all deserve respect, seeing that they are made in God's image. But this convenient did not tell the whole story!! the inner life of God as Trinity, this is present there only in hints and shadows. Neither does the Old covenant provide people with the power to live the commandments. The law is written on stone tablets after all!! and people must try to live it through sheer will power at the time. 

DO YOU SEE?? Jesus transforms this situation, 'religious life' is now about intimacy with the Lord, sharing in the eternal celebration of love between Father, Son and Spirit. The new law is written in hearts by the Holy Spirit who empowers Christians to live it. Natural human life is good, but the new 'super' natural life brought by Christ is richer and much more flavorful, just like the wine he created. 

How does He work this transformation? Simple, through the power of the Holy Spirit, the same power that transformed chaos into paradise, a virgin into a mother, and bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ! 

I should note that I took the photos from They are not mine!


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