Behind the Scenes
Many thanks to you all for the prayers, messages and endless support.
On Monday was my commitment ceremony as most of you are aware. I have written a reflection however am awaiting to share with the Sisters and loved ones before I publish here.
Yet I can give you a little insight to behind the scenes ;o)
Sister asked for me to do four things; select opening song, write an opening prayer, select a scripture and also write my affirmation.
It was not hard to select as like all of us Im sure, I have a favorite scripture that I call upon in different situations. For this celebration I knew straight away what scripture I wanted to us.
- John 15 : 1 - 17 - I am the true vine and my Father is the vinedresser.
I could select any scripture however this one holds importance….
Jesus describes himself as the true vine. As the vine supplies nutrients and support for the branches, Jesus is the source of life, strength and nourishment for us all. Once removed from Jesus we will perish spiritually - like how a branch dies if it is cut from its vine.
Instead, we are called to abide in Jesus; to abide means to dwell in, find rest in. Means to continue in a daily personal relationship with Jesus. To know Jesus might be a one-time encounter yet to abide in him is a constant, ongoing process.
Sometimes its easy to think that we don't know Jesus from afar yet we know him as an intimate friend. Jesus is no different from other friends we have, we don't know them once and for all, rather it is a process of knowing that person, learning more about them as you spend time together developing our relationship. How much more I want to be in the process of knowing Jesus and this scripture just highlights this putting out any doubt offering reassurance that the relationship continues.
Our abiding in Christ is so important that God the Father is actively involved in the process. As the vinedresser, God cuts off unfruitful branches and prunes those that are fruitful so that they can be even more fruitful! Fruitfulness is the result of our abiding in Christ. When we find our all in Christ Himself, three wonderful fruits are produced....
1 - God is glorified (v.8)
2 - We experience Christ's love and our joy is full (v9-11)
3 - Other people experience God's love through us and vice versa (v17)
Bringing me back to the importance of the scripture, that when I seek to dwell in Christ through scripture, prayer and community all these things are so important to Him and I.
Just like that, when I abide in Christ everything falls in order. No reason to get caught in secular or the 'right' thing to say/do, as performance does not lead to fruitfulness rather a false pride or illusion. Jesus clearly tells us that if we do not remain in Him we can achieve nothing of eternal value (v5) I guess above all else this verse reminds me to continually examine my heart, how does it find satisfaction in Christ alone while daily dwelling in Him through scripture, prayer and community!!
It took a little bit of letting go for the Holy Spirit to give me the words however the opening prayer came. On the evening all present read it together.
"God of wonder and love, we come together with hearts full of joy and gratitude. May your Holy Spirit guide us, and give us the grace to respond with an open heart to the Word and the call to growth. Help us to walk as children of light seeking that quiet place where the Lord speaks to our hearts and the Holy Spirit fills our empty vessels so that we will radiate your light in our world. Amen"
I will leave this for the reflection, however took a few days to come into touch with the words on my heart to be able to write what I wished to express.
Here I am Lord
Most of you are aware of this song, it is a song that is held close to my heart throughout my journey of discerning and also brings me directly in close connection with Mother Mary Joseph (Elizabeth Prout). As I feel she would have had the words embedded on her heart in her everyday response to the Lords call, in moments of struggle that called her to trust unconditionally in the Lord; launching out into the deep that brings so much beauty, keeping the light inflamed that passes onto anyone who comes into connection with her.
The evening was joyous, many moments I will treasure and know that I will recall with a delightful grateful heart. After the ceremony we invited everyone to stay for supper, having conversation and joining in the celebration of the happy event. I received many cards of well wishes and thanks for letting people join in the celebrations. Apart of me wanted to say to them, that it was a true delight that they were present after all I view them as family members, who are apart of my journey as much as anyone else. So Im the one to say thank you too, as its a privilege to be able to celebrate with them.
Reflection will come your way in the coming days… also hopefully send on photos of the event to everyone.
The journey continues

The many flowers gifted on the night truly beautiful and touching.
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