Roller Coaster to Peace
We have entered week two of advent PEACE. My mind jumps to the injustice that flash across my screen relentlessly as I seek to read the world happenings. The man-made displacement, evil and inhuman acts leaves ones heart weeping. I also think of peace within myself.
I take a moment to reflect on this - am I at peace? True deep peace? What does this even mean?
I have been watching homilies on you tube, plus a few ‘motivation’ speakers for lack of title; along with my evening mediations. Like all mass media sites ads are present. This one ad came up of watching people’s reaction to roller coasters. While some people bathed in the joy of the trill others passed out in the bodies only way of coping with the shear fear of what is before them.
Its always interesting to watch how we humans react to the same thing in different ways. Some people use the roller coaster as a metaphor for life, feeling like its over and suddenly takes off again and started doing upside-down loops. They throw their hands in the air and embrace the thrill of the unknown.
Some even go as far to say that is fun!
Some don’t, they study the patterned route the roller coaster goes on, and check it out thoroughly and then well weigh up the cost.

While the roller coaster would not be my first metaphor to use to explain life - I’m more a nature girl - there is an ultimate that is present of the learning to embrace that exposure. That vulnerable place reminds me we have needs beyond what we can manage. Feeling a little exposed and afraid reminds us we need the Lord. Desperately. Completely.
The gap between what we think we can manage on our own - and what we can’t - is right where faith has the opportunity to grow deep roots. Roots that dig down into the hope and joy and peace only the Lord can offer.
Recently there has been a feeling of glossy surface living. Laughter is easy to come upon here, joy though, there is something greatly different between the two. I love to walk in joy, to soak it up to carry though those moments when joy doesn’t seem to appear. Makes me realise that my faith doesn’t need to just grow big… it needs to grow deep. Yes, I need deep faith roots like the believe in Jeremiah 17: 7-8
“Blessed are those who trust in the Lord, whose trust is the Lord.
They shall be like a tree planted by water, sending out its roots by the stream.
It shall not fear when heat comes, and its leaves shall stay green;
in the year of drought it is not anxious, and it does not cease to bear fruit."
And how do I get deep roots I hear my head shout out!?!
Reality teaches me that growing spiritual roots is not different to a tree growing deep physical roots. My years of been a garden apprentice that roots of a tree will never go through the pain and effort of digging deeper until there isn’t enough water from the surface to satisfy it. There’s water to be found in the deeper roots can help the tree withstand thrashing winds from bigger storms when they come.
And they will come!! A tree with shallow roots is in great danger of being knocked down and taken out.
The readings the other day remind us of the power of growing on sand or rock!!
We are very much the same. Shallow seeking will produce shallow believing and leave us vulnerable to falling. But deep seeking will produce deep believing and equip us to stand firm, no matter what comes against us.
Deep roots keep us secure in God’s love when fear comes.
Deep roots anchor us with the truth that the Lord is in control when on that roller coaster of life, with all its unknowns, upside downs and twist and turns.
Deep roots hold us steady in the Lord’s peace during the storm that didn’t show up on the radar.
Deep roots find nourishment in the Lord’s grace when the surface gets awfully dry.
Deep roots allow for growth of faith in the Lord not previously possible.
I’m learning what it means to have deep roots, to live in a moment that one can seek the Lord at every hour. I am learning what its like to live in vulnerability that doesn’t simply altar with a change in environment, change in weather. The depth goes beyond what I as an individual create, rather the depth is that in relationship creating together that goes far deeper than sight, watered by greatness beyond surface and fruit that pour over those who I meet on the journey. What a gift, what peace, what a way to live, what a roller coaster ride to be on!
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