Let's great creative
Wherever you live and whatever your political persuasions may be, I think we can all agree that our world held its moments of profound sadness in 2017. I have no great ideas for how big things can shift and change, but I leave 2017 convinced that we all have work to do in our communities and neighbourhoods. We have people to love, we have walls that need to be rebuilt around the vulnerable, and this all starts with each one of us.
The ending of 2017 came with a heavy heart for me personally; with what one might say was a storm within of sorts. Connecting to dear friends around the world as the hour draw near for a new beginning, touching base and wish blessings. Awareness the Sisters were at a dance with the parishioner family that we are apart of, and my clear decision not to attend with all the implications this has, I welcomed in the new year in prayer, in searching and once again pushing through to see light in what feels like cloudy dark days.

Reflecting on the challenges that have laid before me, those tears that fall in sorrow and joy. My feet taking me on journeys the heart can only guide, while surrounded by the artistry of the Lord. … It hits me, that in this nudging, mothers share a kinship with God (though at times I would say it seems mothers push and God ‘pulls) Isn’t it when we seek God and walk in obedience to the Lord, that we discover our calling and begin to live with passion and purpose?
At the house here, I have been able to use my green fingers to create a little bit of paradise along the side of the fence, where once was white stones now stands a little path that has butterflies coming and going, bugs making nesting homes, birds flying through, green leafs adding another reflection of the Lord. While aware of my coming departure for a few weeks and trying to prep it for this, I spent the evening touching the Lord, evening looking so hard to see myself in this creation. It slays me to know I’m created in the image of God; I can barely think on it. I don’t think it’s possible to comprehend fully all it means.
If we’re called to be imitators of Christ, to look like the One whose image we bear, what does that mean? What are the first qualities that come to mind…. to love lavishly and without condition… to forgive freely even when you are been wronged…. to serve sacrificially and to consider other’s preference above your own???
There’s another attribute of the Lord I feel sometimes is over looked - creativity
Our individual potential to create….
Its rather alarming that the Lords creative nature is revealed from the moment we open a bible…..
“In the beginning God created…. “ (Genesis 1:1)
Then a few verses later, he describes the creation of man:
“Then God said, ‘Let us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness….” and then how He fulfils it; “So God created man in His own image; He created him in the image of God….” (Genesis 1:26-17)
Because we are created in the image of the Lord Himself, we are inherently creative.
As one year ends and a new one begins, it’s natural for us look at where we have been and where we have headed. We set goals, we make resolutions, or we keep it simple and choose one word to frame the coming year.

The Lord created us, called our creation good and made us unique. It is no small thing that no one who’s lived past, present, or future can impact the world the way that only you can. And stop that comparison game right now, it doesn’t matter the size of your impact, because you, my dear sisters are making an impact.
We need what only you have to offer this great big old world of ours.
You will find a certain satisfaction when you create something. I’d venture to say you will find a kinship with God when you sense what you have created is good. Whether stitching something lovely, or beautifying your home; baking a special treat, or making an entire meal for friends or family; experimenting with hand - lettering or crafting jewellery or gardening or writing or whatever…. From within your comfort zone, or stretching beyond your natural gifts to learn something new!
As we put the closure to the year that had been, giving thanks, may we begin the new year.
For the glory of the Lord, let’s make something beautiful.
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