Have you seen the depth mealtime offers us?
I'm possibly breaking some unwritten rule of sharing community meal experience, in writing this post, however feel there is a real insight into community living. Communities are no different from families, from flat meal gatherings, from church gatherings. Its all about coming together to share a meal... how we do that is different in every situation and often in our house can differ day after day.....
For me, here is a little reflection...
I recall with great gleeful delight those evenings that we sat around the table, engaged in rousing discussions. Forks waving in the air, left with a little suspense as quizzical brows rise, the thumping of topic hitting around the table. I can not recall all the topics we use to talk about, often current event, articles, stories, daily exchange. All I recall is that everyone had opinion about it, had space to engage and grow during the meal.
Sometimes I am highly aware of the daily task present themselves that are more grace moments than we realise. The question remains at the disservice given to ourselves, to each other in not embracing these moments. An opportunity with not too much effort to take living water opposed to the stale water that is sometimes given.
In the beginning, I recall coming to the dinner table with a little hesitation at what topic was going to be talked about, would I have any view on it. It was acknowledge that an honour given to the extroverts with a listening ear and gift the introverts with space enough for their words to be heard.
No idea was considered unworthy of our discussion and that no one, regardless of age, or background, would be chastised or ridiculed for sharing an opinion. There was a sense of validation in the thinking process in order to strengthen the muscle of thinking and engaging in ideas.
These days, when everyone united, enjoying the ease of conversation and sharing that became precious. I miss these days dearly, I miss dinner time conversation and simply just everyone been present at the table. Sometimes its more of a chore than an invitation… when did we get to this point!?! Is this my inner self reaching this point opposed to the community?

I think this is why I take so much joy in the unity and engagement offered at the Lord’s Table. Celebrating the Mass has a deep inner joy that is given from the preparation together in a song, then address our short comings before coming to prepare for the feast. After which we clean up together, give thanks and saying grace all together. What a way to start the day, a way to come to the Table. After which the soul is feed and awaken to go give to others.
The other day the children from the primary school were present during the celebration. During the Eucharistic prayer, the teacher told the students to knee. In our congregation it is not often we knee, rather stand or sit. I watched as these children looked around in puzzlement as the congregation remained standing. Then at the end of Mass the priest told the children they must bow at the alter when walking into the church. With a sigh laugh told the children to do it next time.
I’m taken by this, as what sort of environment are we creating at the Table. When did society change so much that we can not question, or do an action we believe to be right rather just obey. I don’t have a problem with the action, I have a problem with the way we communicate, rather than educating telling each other, elderly and youth the same, the reason for action a more dictated style is imposed.
Questioning where do people seek those moments to question in dialogue, to voice their opinions and engage in debate challenging and freely expressing one self?
We come back to the fostering mealtime discussion which are a vital to spiritual, social and emotional growth of all the individuals around the table. Establishing the dinner table as a place of discussion fosters an environment where truth is sought through dialogue, graciousness is taught and upheld, and convictions are formed.
Thought and will are two of the greatest gifts God has given us through His image in our hearts. In His great wisdom and love, God designed us not to be automatons who respond with thoroughness obedience, but to be thinking, willing participants in His will. Through it is hard to fathom, God has made a place for us at His table, and He invites us there to pray, to ask, to wrestle, because He values our responses to Him. He wants us to relate to him out of love and conviction.
So if your a little like me and find yourself sitting at a table in silence with a sense of deep desire for engagement. Remember that this comes in many forms and at many tables. There is a beauty in silence also, i know some people would invite silence at the table, while others would invite the beautiful echo’s of mess and brokenness that is often present. Challenge it with the guidance of the spirit - this my advice..
For me though, I feel that true discipleship must reflect the fact that God values our voice, thought and will. Dinnertime discussions reflect and enact this value, making a place where everyone can be heard, be exposed to truth, and have the spaces to develop convictions in the context of community. Through dinnertime discussions, convictions can be formed, confidence can be gained, conversation can be practiced and consideration can be taught.
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