Pilgrim Stop - St Brigid
Solar Bhride Centre and Hermitage was developed in the spirit of St Brigid of Kildare,- Patroness of Ireland - by the Brigidine Sisters.
It is run by the Brigidine Sisters today, who set up a small spirituality and celtic spirituality centre. It is based in a small town settlement of Kildare, embracing the natural beauty of the landscape and the remoteness that is embedded in history. The unique design of the building is shaped in the Saint Brigid Cross.
In 2007 the Sisters design and built a very impressive centre having a unique ecological sustainable centre that came in at 4.7 million Euro.
This building sits on 3.5 acre site just outside of Dublin in Kidare. It is design to use the most of the natural resources around it. Taking into account location of the sun, using a special system of metal pilling under ground attracting heat then transmitting into the building. All the windows open or close to keep the room at a certain temperature. In 2004 they received Ireland award for acknowledgement in advance design and construction of a sustainable building in Ireland.

The Sisters run retreats, weekends and the function rooms hold meetings, gatherings for all groups. The centre holds a calming welcoming atmosphere, connecting you instantly to nature, to be surrounded by peace.
In the garden that is still maturing, there is a St Brigid cross status that was gifted to the centre by an American. In the planning and discern of this project to go forward, the artist contact the Sisters expressed his interest in making and donating door to door. This was the seal that it was right for the project to go forward.
Henry Clarke -- St Brigid Stain Glass |
St Brigid - Patron Saint of Ireland
I discovered that Sr Brigid is named after St Brigid which intrigued my interest a little more. We had a wonderful sister show us around the centre reciting prayers and tales that was connected to Sr Brigid.
I I have a little knowledge yet thought I would share a little insight with you all…
1 - St Brigid Day, La Fheile Bhride, is on February 1st, officially marking the start of the pagan festival of spring.
2 - It is also known as “Imbole” - which literally means “in the belly” in the old Irsh Neolithic language.
3 - It is one of the four major “fire” festivals, referred to in Irish mythology. The other three festivals are Beltane, Lughnasadh and Samhain.
These crosses are relatively simple to make, and traditionally, Brigid’s crosses are made on Brigid’s Eve, January 31st. They are usually made from fresh rushes, made in the shape of a cross with a square shape in the middle and four arms coming along each side.
It was said that when an elder was dying, Brigid sat next to him making this cross and used it to teach Christianity passion story.
5 - St Brigid is often refer to as “Brigit of Kildare” and was said to be the founder of several monasteries of nuns, including that of Kildare. She is also associated with perpetual, sacred flames and there is also a shrine dedicated to her in Kildare.
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