The mountain climb taking me back to church
Lately I have been reflecting on what mountains are in the world; Are in my world; Are all around us. You know, those big mountains and smaller ones that when on the climb feel like you the load is too heavy, or unaware of what you have for the climb. Yet when at the peak, often at times not even aware, what a beauty awaits and is poured upon us.
Mountains like those relationships that are not working even through praying so much, or those friends or individuals wondering around with no faith. The diagnosis that is shocking and completely life-changing. The baby who is still fighting for life, for breath, or still waiting for us to across the sea with a growing hill of stumbling blocks. Hearing of news that shakes the bones, that shake how you perceptive things.
I came across this song or rather this song came across me - finding me, in a moment when my head was caught in the cloudy weight of the climb. The words cut through the head to sit in the heart. It moved the mountain…
Church - Take me back - by Cochren & Co.
The chorus goes….
Take me back
To the place that feels like home
To the people I can depend on
To the faith that's in my bones
Take me back
To a preacher and a verse
Where they've seen me at my worst
To the love I had at first
Oh, I want to go to church
Its like that moment you get shaken up, when on the journey you feel like you can’t seem to find the perfect pair of peace sandals.
I miss church!
I miss the sense when you walk through those doors, the water is awaiting for you! That living water awaiting for your fingers to run over it, letting the body sense that walking on water its not just for Jesus. Touching the forehead just like all those years ago when baptism brought something so great, the living of our Creator knowing what lay before us gifting a blanket of faith that our soul just knows its home within Him.
Allowing the feet to change its pace, to add a joyful skip in their step, arriving to see Christ in the person next to you, or before you. Knowing only too well that 30 seconds ago you were caught up in society labels of stranger, to break free embracing unity in great joy. A simple exchange of a smile speaks words beyond what any tongue can produce.
Listening to the words bounce off the walls as readers speaks of wisdom that is heard all over the world, uniting us as one, where love is not labelled or defined by titles, gender, ages, it is on tap for everyone.
Opening eyes with a raised head, to soak in the pure reality that people are the church, we are all one. Dependence is placed on the One, call to be as one lies in the pews, in the movement of building on the 2000 year old foundation with a difference. What joy and exciting to be had in this mountain.
“Though the mountains move and the hills shake,
My love will not be removed from you and
My covenant of peace will not be shaken”
says your compassionate Lord.
Isaiah 54:10
“Though the mountains move and hills shake…” even in the very things we thought were immovable, keys to our foundation of life, are now crumbling around us, throwing us off our faith in the One who made the mountains with half a word, there is hope.
God has not removed His love from us.
Tried to walk on my own but I wound up lost
Now I'm making my way to the foot of the cross
It's not a trophy for the winners
It's a shelter for the sinners
And it's right where I belong

Through this song I am reminded of Isaiah way of writing about the Lord, with great compassion and tenderness of truth to move mountains “My love will not be removed from you and My covenant of peace will not be shaken.”
Just before this its express the Lord calls His people back to Him. He’s just taken Israel through a dark time to get their attention and worship. God calls them back from their grief and shows them compassion through His everlasting love.
This is like the reminder of Noah and the rainbow covenant of love and grace pointing to Jesus, the real promise of salvation in the clouds. He tells us His covenant of blessing with never be broken, and He will be loyal to us.
Although what we may see, feel, and hear tells us it’s over, hopeless, the Lord reminds us He will by loyal, compassionate, loving and will remain with us through it all - no matter what mountain is been embarked upon.
Stand strong, remember the love we have, remember faith is not in people, rather in Lord.
“I’m making my way to the foot of the cross,
It’s not a trophy for the winners,
Its a shelter for the sinners.
And its right where I belong.”
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