Dwelling in the unforced rhythms of grace
I hope this blog post finds your lenten journeys are going well. I have struggled getting into lent after the joyous celebration for profession. Yet I find myself starting to feel the stillness of the season. My small section of the garden is also feeling it with the ending of summer colours and barrenness of the scrubs. Under all this though there is the embracement of the season... gift of stillness....
Today I have been powering through trying to put together the media for our International Women’s day of prayer. In try K form, it’s been sitting on the to do list all week hoping to get there. Its strange how while doing one task the mind drifts to another…..
I was recalling how each year for the past few years now I have always had a book, reflection book, that challenged me, questions to dwell on. The one that I have not long completed was titled Abide. Very suitable given the situation I find myself, wondering if after profession the Lord was going to say “Lots to do, girl. Let’s get busy”…. Reminder with the simple word abide meaning dwell, nest, reside, stay and inhabit. The Lord calling me to rest in my home He has planted in me.
He’s inviting Himself in to make Himself at home.
The Lord takes my hand like a patient Father and slows my pace to His as we walk in the garden. He’s not in any hurry with His vision and I feel grace pouring down like a much needed summer rain. There is incredible tension in dwelling. The Lord knows He’s made me fully capable for the vision He’s shared. He has made it clear we are blessed to share this place.
But- A small But - The Lord needs us more than He requires the completion of a plowed row, a guesthouse, or a prepared table for others.
Dwelling is rest. It’s creating an atmosphere with the Holy Spirit of peace and beauty. But dwelling is not an easy word for woman with vision to hear. I’m excited to be on the other side of the Jordan and into our Promised Land.
So, dwell?? It can sound like defeat in our day of hustle
Dwelling implies harmony not isolation. It’s with Someone. God wants me to be with Him. To dwell in the House of the Lord forever. To be about one thing - His heart.
I’m learning dwelling feels like art. Absorbing colours, making memories, stepping into the picture the Lord is painting, not so worried about framing it up for presentation. Enjoying the seasons and beat of each unique day.
While this is an art, at times it feels messy and out of control, a temptation to wipe the canvas blank and start again, then a reminder that the point of the Promise Land is to dwell, to allow the Lord to reign, and for the world to see us live differently. Dwelling is a little piece of heaven on earth.
Recently I have noticed I have a ‘bad attitude’ with Sister reminding me that two wrongs do not make a right. Its hard at times to put aside these ingrain actions, unconscious reactions to take on that finding posture of thankfulness. I’m working at being still to embrace the grateful heart the Lord is trying to instill in me.
I will dwell in the house of the Lord, forever. There’s no rush…. I know this is a psalm….
As I struggle to find my feet on ground that seems all too familiar and not at the same time, I feel I’m called to a rhythm within daily living and get into a sync with what the Lord has already done for me, and what He is about to do. I desire to be at rest in the pace the Lord has placed me in, becoming vital in the role between vision shared and vision experienced.
I want to worship him through realising wrongs are no way forward, through the letting go, the stepping on familiar stones, washing, planting and inviting others to join on the path.
When I’m out of sync with His beat - distracted, making plans or just off tempo - its hard to hear and listen to His song of love for me, much less for those He wants me to love.
I want to learn the unforced rhythms of grace.
Jesus told us to “Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill fitting on you. Keep company with Me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly” (Matthew 11:28-30)
What is grace? as one asked at music… The free and unmerited favour of Lord, as manifested in the salvation of sinners and the bestowal of blessings.
A divinely given talent or blessing. The gifts of the Holy Spirit
The condition or fact favoured by someone - God.
To be accepted, esteemed, regarded and respected. To have favour, goodwill, kindness, and generosity.
I want to learn how to live in that kind of Grace with the Grace Giver.
God, help me learn how to dwell….
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